{2010 in Review}

Posted by & filed under years in review.

Dear 2010,

This year has been marked by new beginnings, most obviously seen in the birth of our dear Hazel Wren, Oliver’s first year of preschool and the arrival of Moses and Augustine from Ethiopia. But let’s not forget the little things too – the festive weddings we attended, the announcement of another baby nephew on the way, the births of Jude, Margot and Owen and other sweet little ones in our Parish family as well as sweet Koen and Zara in our own family, a goal achieved in the running of a half-marathon, and the many milestones that characterize the first year of a baby’s life.

This year we have seen growth in Ryan’s business and success in many ventures he has taken on. We’ve seen Oliver learn to write his name, identify some sight words, draw pictures, learn his way around any and all technological devices, and perhaps coolest of all – he learned to swim the full length of the pool on his own!

We’ve seen Scout through more stitches than a family quilt. And speaking of stitches, I’ve made and sold enough bibs and burp cloths to supply a small army of burping and drooling babes.

Years past have been characterized by trusting God in our grief and leaning on him in our uncertainty. This year we have learned the equal importance of turning to him in our joy, seeking him in our good days as well and giving him the glory in all of our successes knowing that everything we have is a gift and – in comparison with eternity with him – ashes and dust.

He is good! He is faithful! He is the same in 2010 as He was in 2009 and 2008. We are changed and He continues to turn us toward Him, but he remains the same. We serve a good God and we are so grateful for the gift of another year to serve him.

Welcome, 2011!

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10 Responses

  1. Kimberly 2 January 2011 at 4:50 pm

    >What great memories of 2010! Just curious…how does one create a picture collage? For the life of me, I can't figure out how to do it!

  2. Kristie 2 January 2011 at 4:51 pm

    >Oh, Raechel, how do you keep doing this to me??? If you keep posting such pretty pictures of gorgous color, I'm gonna have to keep spending money! (the green bag? Diaper bag? Really? By who? please feed my addiction to beauty and color and babies)
    Anytime you want to come out to San Diego and teach me to shop, I'm yours! =)

  3. Raechel 2 January 2011 at 6:29 pm

    >Kimberly- I made the photo collage using photobucket.

    Kristie – the diaper bag is Kate spade. Garage sale. $15. I know!

  4. Chelsa 2 January 2011 at 8:54 pm

    >once again you spoke my heart- i guess b/c our past few years have been so similiar… such a happy year for our families! i can't wait to see what 2011 has in store though!

  5. {Thirty} Little Piggies 3 January 2011 at 3:32 am

    >I love reading about God's redemption and tender loving goodness in your family. And seeing it in picture format is great too! You've been so blessed!

  6. cynniegurl 3 January 2011 at 4:29 pm

    >I have been reading your blog for over a year and always look forward to your postings. They have been so uplifting for me to see you survive and be blessed through all your struggles. I have personally struggled with not being able to get pregnant after trying for over 6 years and have turned to some of your past posts many times to remind myself be to be patient and wait on what the Lord wants for me. I am now 8 weeks pregnant and still in complete disbelief and just wanted to thank you for sharing your life with me.


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