Posted by & filed under Being a Mom, Hazel.


This girl.

She loves bike rides, her Hello Kitty helmet and bright orange nail polish.

She loves special dinner dates with Mommy and Daddy – especially when we okay a big, sticky cinnamon roll as a meal substitute.

dinner date
She wants to go to the library every. single. day.

books books books

[Our summer goal is to work through this book list for both her and Oliver (along with a little Purplicious and Poodlena on the side…) Amazing how reading a pile of stories every day sparks up wild conversations at the dinner table!]

Our Hazel. She marches to the beat of her own drummer! Well… that and her brother’s drummer. He made her a headband out of pipe cleaners at dinner last night and she wouldn’t take it off. In her opinion, he pretty much hung the moon.

pipe cleaner crown

She’s her own breed of nutsy and sweet. When she’s happy (which she almost always is), she’s super happy. But when she’s not… oh, when she’s not. Her 3-year-old wrath will bring you to your knees. She’s a girl who knows what she wants and won’t stop until she gets it.

soccer popsicle

I imagine she could use that in a job interview one day as her greatest strength and weakness.

static awesome

As her parents, we love that fire and drive and passion she has. We just have the simple job of pointing her to Christ, shepherding her heart, and trusting Him to use this fiery personality powerfully for His glory.

I know He will :)

rock paper scissors

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5 Responses

  1. Amber Erin 19 June 2013 at 1:35 pm

    Aw, she is SUCH a dollface!! So reminds me of my 1 year old, and her very sweet and total obsession with her 4 year old brother.

    Love how you write about your littles in a way that is so real, and so thankful! :)


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