it’s official!

Posted by & filed under Oliver.

My newborn baby boy work up this morning and announced from the top of the stairs, “I can’t believe I’m finally in KINDERGARTEN!!”

[and of course my thought was, “I can’t believe he’s already in kindergarten…”]

It’s all about perspective, eh?

Drop off this morning was great. We really like his teacher (met her last night – she’s been teaching for 22 years and that makes me feel really good), and he’s happy to know that one of his classmates from preschool is in his class this year, too.

I’m a little achey, a little excited (I got to workout this morning and my other errands with just Hazel were so quick and uneventful!), a little I don’t know what.

It’s quiet here. REEEALLY quiet.

Also, productive.

Also, quiet.

As you can see, we decided not to homeschool Oliver this year. It’s something I always thought I’d do – that was the plan. But as the years have gone by, we’ve studied Oliver and his little personality. And knowing him taught has me more about me. I’m not a teacher, and he’s a structure- & people-lovin’ fool. He was made for school – you can see it on his face when we walks into a classroom.

We also decided against private school. That was another difficult decision. We would love to be able to do that – it is our ultimate goal/plan and we will see what the Lord has for us and for Oliver in the future.

For now, we have chosen to send Oliver to public school (this is new for all of us since, as parents, our collective experience with the public school system is limited to the one year I attended in Kindergarten back in the 80s). We know education and training takes place in the home first, no matter where your child goes to school. We are taking seriously the added responsibility of Christian education for him at home since it will not be taking place at school. We are nervous, yes. But  we are committed to giving it a try – throwing ourselves into it with enthusiasm as we see what this year holds for our family.

And besides all that, isn’t he just about the most charming little Kindergartener you’ve ever met? He’s bound to make some new friends fast, don’t you think?

Yep. That’s my little treasure up there in those pictures. So many breakfasts and bedtimes and Lego towers and blanket forts and blood, sweat and tears and fervent prayers have gone into making the boy wearing that Darth Vader backpack and green shoes who he was when he stepped into that classroom today.

Oh boy, here come the tears again…

Our prayer for him, as it has been since we first brought him home, is that he would grow in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.


Lord, protect him.


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19 Responses

  1. Meghan 17 August 2012 at 3:09 pm

    Aw, he’ll be OK! I attended public school in Indianapolis and our school was wonderful as I’m sure Franklin’s is. You will totally still be able to keep him learning your faith even though he won’t be around everyone of the same beliefs 24/7. It’s all about perspective like you said, and he will have that having different experiences. :)

  2. Stefanie 17 August 2012 at 3:15 pm

    He is precious!

    You’re in Williamson County, right? Fantastic school system. I grew up in Franklin and went to Grassland Elementary, then to Walnut Grove when it opened. I truly believe that academically, Williamson County schools could challenge any private school education (and win!).

    Congrats on this huge day for your family. Can’t wait to hear about how it went!

  3. Chantelle 17 August 2012 at 3:25 pm

    Oh man this brought me to tears too. My oldest starts kindergarten in 2 weeks. I keep putting off thinking about it I guess. I know it will be great for her, but I secretly wish I could just hold time still. Its the best age and I know I am going to miss her every day that she’s away.

  4. Emily 17 August 2012 at 3:30 pm

    I am in the same boat. I have the most social and natural leader in my little 4 year old, so I’m beginning to think that he needs a school environment outside the home. He starts a new preschool next week and though he is so excited… it’s just one step closer to real school!

  5. Amanda 17 August 2012 at 3:31 pm

    I’m so excited for him! Kindergarten is the best. I loved my kindergarten teacher and still remember so many things about that year, even 19 years later. Whoa, I didn’t realize I’d been out of kindergarten that long! lol.
    And from what my aunt says, Franklin public schools are great! He’ll do awesome!
    P.S. I’m loving his and Ryan’s matching shirts. And Calvin is jealous of his backpack. :)

  6. annie 17 August 2012 at 4:50 pm

    I’m crying reading this because I remember that day … nine years ago. He was my little man, my right hand buddy, my partner in crime. What was I going to do without him all day long? Well, it ended up making our after-school times, our weekends and our summers that much more fun and adventurous and all that because he was becoming who God wanted him to be. I just needed to be at peace with that.

    And now, as we prepare for 8th grade, I am realizing that all those days that I was sad he was out there being all independent and learning stuff were the same days he was so thoroughly enjoying himself (he’s a structured-party guy too!). So, again, I found peace. That’s my story.

    I feel blessed to be able to live this out again with your perfect little blonde headed bubbles of joy! Have fun, mama (& daddy!) and know that God is ALL OVER THIS ONE!! :)

  7. Kacia 17 August 2012 at 8:38 pm

    I’ve been waiting for this post all day!!! He’s such a big kid!! And you’re so right – we need to take the Christian education at home so seriously – parent intentionally.

    Also? I need some texts…. :)

  8. Amanda 17 August 2012 at 9:08 pm

    Aw! My little guy had his first two days of “practice kindergarten” yest. and today. Actually called kindergarten transitions, to get acquainted with the room, the teacher, etc. before showing up with a whole swarming school of kids on the first day. (We don’t start school until after labor day way up north here.)
    Our kids go to a very small public school. On average less than 20 kids per grade. It’s like a big family there, and I’m a big defender of the public education system & the amazingly wonderful teachers & educators within it.
    The other day on a friend’s facebook feed there was some bashing of “public school kids”, and this was my response (your words reminded me of it.): “I cringe at the lumping of “public school kids” together in the comment above. Every child is different. Those with special, individual needs, and those that go to public school. My children go to public school, and are the most composed & respectful children I know.. That statement offends me. Don’t blame the public school for their behavior. Blame their parents. Home is ALWAYS the most important learning environment.”
    Ok. End rant on that. I respect everyone’s choices on their own kids’ education. I just don’t accept judgement or discriminating against any group as a whole.
    Feeling those tears with you.. These are big days. My baby!

  9. Ashley Ward 18 August 2012 at 10:27 am

    Ohhh. I love him. I just freaking love him. Such a big day for you guys! I won’t ever know what that feels like though, because my little guy is never ever going to turn 5. It’s not possible. He’s just going to stay teeny and want me to hold him. Right? Tell me I’m right….

  10. domonique 18 August 2012 at 10:36 am

    i have to say it never gets any easier. the heart is heavy with pride, love, and little bit of loss everyday they grow older. i felt the exact same way this summer when my son went to his first christian sleep away camp. i thought about all the moments that went in to him becoming who he was when we left him the first day. it’s beautiful and brutal at the same time. love to you and your sweet family.

  11. Alexandra 18 August 2012 at 2:04 pm

    Congratulations! I definitely think that a public school can be every bit as good as a good private school. I attended public schools in a great school district in NY State and found the education (and environment) actually better overall than at the private college I later attended. I think that taking advantage of a great local public school is one of the smartest thing people can do! You will make whatever choices are best for your family, no matter what.

  12. Gale Kennedy 20 August 2012 at 7:16 pm

    Have loved reading your blog for a while now! I am way older than you (actually have sons and daughter-in-laws your age) but I glean lots from you and your posts! We go to CCC so I love Mustard Seed preschool. Three of our grands went there. Now 2 of them are attending school at New Hope Academy! Both are adopted from Guatemala and along with our other two grands are the JOY of our lives! We are so public school advocates as long as they are getting a good education. I totally agree with your philosophy of teaching Christianity at home BUT if you ever decide that your babies need to benefit from private Christian school I could not recommend a better school than New Hope Academy. Also, they charge on a sliding scale so it can always be feasible. The problem is the ‘waiting list’ for enrollment, but if you have a sibling in the school you are guaranteed the other siblings get accepted. Keep up the great blog!!

  13. Sara 21 August 2012 at 12:24 pm

    What a sweet post! As a mom who is baking her first baby boy right now, I can appreciate the wisdom in the words and sentiments that you have shared here. Thank you for that and may God bless his first year in school!!

  14. mamalang 22 August 2012 at 12:33 pm

    I am a firm believer in doing what is best for your kids and family. Sometimes that isn’t an easy choice to make, especially when it goes against what you always thought/believed. So kudos to you for making what you felt was the right choice for your son/family, even though it isn’t what you always thought it would be.

    Just like there are good home schoolers and bad home schoolers, there are good public schools and bad public schools. It’s 90% what you put into it most of the time.

    Good luck. Hope he thrives.

  15. Amy 29 August 2012 at 3:17 pm

    Sweet post!! Kudos on making the best choice for your child, and know he will learn much from home about your faith, and be better for the exercising of that faith in a public setting from a young age. Praying for you and him!


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