Summer Friday: popsicle periscope, take 3!

Posted by & filed under Hazel, Oliver.

Hello friends!

Jumping away from all the summer fun at the Myers home to share a couple of happy summer photos and to link up with Coconut Robot’s Summer Friday photo share.

My favorite photo from the summer of 2010 was worthy of repeating in 2011 and 2012. I snapped this year’s edition while we were in Michigan last week. I wasn’t in love with it so I didn’t share it then – I planned to give it another go the next day. Well, you know how way leads on to way… I got so caught up in enjoying summer, I forgot to photograph it again! Not such a bad problem!

And since Oliver seems to have an annual theme of swimming with his popsicle periscope, it appears that Hazel’s theme is swimming in her birthday suit! And when you’re in the privacy of your Granddad & Groovy’s backyard, that’s just fine!!


Happy July, friends! Have a terrific weekend!

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4 Responses

  1. Kacia 20 July 2012 at 8:51 am

    Oh my goodness!!! I need to do something like this at my parents’ pool!!!! I LOVE IT!!!

    Living vicariously through my long, lost twin :O]


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