Starbucks for kids

Posted by & filed under Franklin Fun, Hazel, Oliver.

We go to Starbucks. A lot. There are five (or more?) in our town and it seems like any time we are going somewhere we pass one and decide to drop in.

Problem: now the kids want to get a special treat when we go in, too. This is a problem. Because kids get expensive!

So, Ryan had a great idea one time about a year ago. He grabbed one of the Naked drinks out of the cooler (we keep this stocked in our fridge at home anyway – family fave!) and asked the barista to blend it with ice into two cups for the kids.

Instant smoothie, y’all!

Or, should I say, TWO GRANDE smoothies!


With their names on them, of course. Because they feel awesome when they hear their names called out at from the pick-up counter.

And for the price of a sugar-filled drink from Sonic (about $1.75 each), the kids have giant servings of super healthy treats and feel very happy, indeed!

Well played, Mr. Myers. Well played.

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16 Responses

  1. amy 24 May 2012 at 9:15 am

    Thats a great idea!! Might have to give this a whirl. Do they look at you like you are crazy or like you are making them do extra work? Also…my friend has a professional website that she wants to redo and I told her that you have a fun colorful site and she would like to know who designed your blog? Could you pls let me know so I can pass on the info to her? :)

    • Raechel Myers 24 May 2012 at 11:24 am

      Hey Amy!
      The baristas at the Sbux’s in our town don’t seem to bat an eyelash – maybe because we ask for them at least once a week :) Definitely nobody seems to be put out!

      Blog design: me! (and my husband) Kayla Aimee ( helped me make it work.

      • amy 24 May 2012 at 12:16 pm

        Thanks so much Raechel! So..should I direct my friend to you and your hubby and/or Kayla?? Hope you are having a blast with Mickey and his pals!~

  2. Megan 24 May 2012 at 10:34 am

    I can’t believe you’re writing a post whilst in Disney World! You are committed :)
    Do the baristas mind doing that? Like, do they kind of roll their eyes and do it obligingly or is it not an issue? I would be afraid of that happening.

  3. Ashley Ward 24 May 2012 at 2:06 pm

    It’s not annoying :) In some areas, I’d imagine there would be baristas who would roll their eyes, but, most of them would realize that it’s less work than a frappuccino. Another great kid drink that a lot of people don’t realize is a passion tea lemonade–caffeine free and I get them unsweetened for my kiddos because the lemonade makes them sweet enough and it’s still not much sugar. All my coworkers with kids also say it’s a hit :)

  4. Grace 27 May 2012 at 2:50 pm

    I’d definitely think twice about supporting Starbucks so strongly….

    Up until last January I was a committed Starbucks customer. I went 2-3 times per week and my nearest Starbucks is 20-ish miles away!!!

    And then it came to my attention that Starbucks is a supporter of Planned Parenthood (one of the nations leading abortion providers: , ) and openly supports gay marriage. My uncle asked me “Why would you as a Christian support something like that?” I haven’t visited a Starbucks since. It’s been hard, but James 4: 17 really rings in my mind: “Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.” It makes me cringe a little to think about my money going towards the killing of sweet babies.

  5. Rachel 1 June 2012 at 10:32 am

    I tried doing this at one of our Starbucks this week, and they told me no. They said the frapp is a trademark and their blenders are only for that. We were bummed.

  6. Ashley 31 August 2013 at 3:58 pm

    The mango Nakeds blended with ice are my favourite treat to have. It was actually an employee at one location who told me to try it. I did and I’m forever thankful that they told me about this.
    I have had this smoothie at many locations (I live in Toronto), but then one day the one I go to the most, beside my work, told me no. They have made it for me before but I guess it depends on the employee making it. Their excuse is that it is unsanitary. Obviously they tried selling me on their own mango smoothie but I’ve had it before. It’s more expensive and the taste does not compare.
    It’s a bummer but the upside is that I can make it at home….or with the right employee.

    • raechelm 5 September 2013 at 5:39 pm

      Aw man, that’s a bummer! The bummer here in Tennessee is that last week they stopped selling the Naked brand in favor of a company that Starbucks recently bought out. The taste isn’t as good and the consistency is a lot thinner. My kids give it a thumbs down. Sad!


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