
Posted by & filed under audrey, Being a Mom, Oliver.

So, I’ve been a bit of a weepy mess lately. Yes, I’m a girl, it happens. But seriously, in the past week our lives have seemed to change so dramatically I can’t help but feel a bit sentimental.

Here’s What’s Going On:

Audrey moved out this week. So, bittersweet. It’s great to have had such a lovely year with her living in our home during her freshman year of college, but man, we felt like we were just getting started and it was already time to pack up and move her out again. As she drove away Saturday afternoon Ryan (who doesn’t always volunteer such sentiments) said, “man, this was a wake-up call for how soon this is going to be one of our own kids!”

Um, ditto.

And since I promised you all year a shot of Audrey’s room and never delivered because the school year got away from us before we could finish all the projects we had on our list, I’ll share the one decent photo I have. So sorry I failed on the room tour. And now it’s empty. Shame.

Let me assure you that it was a lovely room, inhabited by an even lovelier young lady.

I did shoot all the photos for a tutorial the day we installed the wood wall AND there’s another cool hand embroidery/felt project that I have to share. Good news: those photos exist and I WILL share them. You’ll just have to wait until June to see them.

Back to changes…

On Saturday morning, Audrey’s room went from looking like it did in the above photo, to this,

to filled with Oliver’s bedroom furniture in the course of about 3 hours.

Yes, that brings me to the next thing:

Saturday night, Oliver and Hazel spent their first night sleeping in their OWN bedrooms. Yes, we SOLD Hazel’s crib last week. She’s sleeping in a big girl bed. And Oliver has his own room and his own ideas of how it should look (he says he wants a “knight room”).

Yes, folks, their lovely little nursery is no longer. Can we all shed a tear in a moment of silence?

Maybe a photo in memorium?

That’s our beloved baldy in the crib. Oh, this room looks so different already.

With all of the room shuffling that has gone on this week (I decided to keep my sewing room to myself, despite the fact that it has been lonely for company the past week and a half), the good news is that I get to stretch my interior design brain muscles (as I continue to pay off my student loans – I may as well use my education for something!). I will be working over the next couple of months to make the kids’ rooms all wonderful and theirs. That will be fun.

But still, a big change for us.

And apart from all of the room shuffling, we are also bracing ourselves for a goodbye to a beloved friend. Our Lizzie (one half of our co-nannies-extraordinairre) is graduating next weekend and going on to college. We attended her senior ballet recital this weekend and I just sat back in awe of what a beautiful, graceful woman she has become since I met her six years ago. What will we do without you in Franklin, Liz?!

So if Audrey moving out, Lizzie graduating, Hazel transitioning from crib to big girl bed, and the kids no longer sharing a room weren’t enough to make a gal sentimental, Oliver has started calling himself a kindergartener (he wrapped up Preschool two weeks ago) and decided to learn to ride a bike last night with his Daddy.

You know, because why not just make your Mommy cry happy tears on a Sunday evening? Sheesh.

So yeah, a few changes around these parts. Probably a bad idea to stop feeding them so they won’t grow up so fast, right?

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6 Responses

  1. Christine 21 May 2012 at 1:22 pm

    Ohmygoodness, so much! You had a busy February, chilled for a couple months, and then I guess you were due for a busy May, huh? Man. Big kids. The “kindergartener” thing kills me. Stop growing, O!

    I can’t wait for that wood wall tutorial, because we’re thinking of doing that in our bedroom. You know the strange wall with the window that looks into the sunroom? Yeah, that wall. Then we could flip the bed and put it wherever we want, without fear of a window. So. The Cases need that tutorial, please.

  2. annie 21 May 2012 at 1:25 pm

    oh, mama … these are the days you’ll always remember! mine just became a TEENAGER in February and has since been reminding us that he’s only 3 years from driving, 5 years from graduating, etc. etc. etc. I try not to think of it because in my mind he’s still the size of miss hazel … total denial considering he’s my height now. but these are also THE BEST days because you’re watching the unfolding of everything God’s given you and ryan and the blessings that come with these little creature’s development. so, cry, laugh, love and enjoy! it’s all a really, really good thing! :)

  3. nicole 22 May 2012 at 7:24 am

    oh so many changes!! you weren’t kidding! i’m with you in the k-garten boat with my daughter and my lil guy turns 2 in July and will probably be in a big boy bed soon after :( BIG (((hugs))) for you and hoping your tears don’t last long :)


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