how lucky for us!

Posted by & filed under Hazel, Rowan.

Two cousins, one year + one day apart. What joy!

This year we decided to throw Hazel & Rowan a joint birthday party since, at their young ages, they share the same friends and are big fans of each other. It was a good call – and it was fun to share the work of party planning with my sissy. She’s great and had lots of great ideas!


That last photo reminds me of this one from last year’s party.

So fun to look back!

And can you believe Rowan is already a year old? Remember back when he looked like Forrest Whitaker when he was brand new and squirrelly?

The party was lovely, y’all! I kept forgetting to pick up my camera and take photos because I was having so much fun just enjoying the festivities. The happy news for us is that our dear Claire came to the party as a guest and managed to also take some stunning photos for us (I’ve gotten to sneak peek a few). I can take pictures of the party in action, but she manages to take things like an ordinary backyard and make it a magical childhood scene. I don’t know, she’s just that good.

The Lord has given us good gifts in our little people – our little blonde arrows – both here and in Heaven. Our cup overflows!

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9 Responses

  1. ali 19 March 2012 at 4:13 pm

    Did you make the cupcakes? I’m always trying to pipe my frosting on like that but it doesn’t seem to work with store bought. It sinks. Do tell!! Love all the pictures. So precious.

    • Raechel Myers 19 March 2012 at 8:17 pm

      Nope! We ordered them from Harris Teeter. They always do such a good job and it takes such a load off of us so we can enjoy party weekend. They are pretty, aren’t they?

  2. Genevieve S. 20 March 2012 at 7:57 pm

    Lovely pictures, lovely party, & SO many adorable children in your family! Happy Birthday, Hazel!! I remember you announcing her birth – could it really have been two years ago??


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