shark boy, lava girl, and …Calvin?

Posted by & filed under Bea, Oliver, Photography, Uncategorized.

Beatrice came over to play yesterday. She and Oliver somehow decided to play Shark Boy and Lava Girl outside. I know nothing of the movie (Is it also a book? I don’t know.) and neither do they, so the whole afternoon was very much open to interpretation.

They decided that Lava Girl stands like this:

And Shark Boy does a lot of this:

So they generally spent the afternoon running around a lot like this:

But in my opinion, Oliver looked less like Shark Boy and more like Calvin.

And Beatrice Lava Girl was just being darling and there’s no getting around that.

Seriously, though. Beatrice can show up in a backwards pink tank top, red tennis shoes and rumpled green fairy wings and knock the socks off the entire world. She can play Lava Girl anytime she likes.

I’m renting an 85mm f1.2 lens this week. You guys. This is one magnificent piece of glass. I have it until next Tuesday (I’m doing photo shoots for some families in my church this weekend). If you happen to be in the Franklin area next week and see a woman weeping outside the UPS store, it’ll probably be me.
Oh, and I guess I do still have some time slots free. If you live in the Franklin area and want me to shoot your family on Saturday, shoot me an email!

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