Little snip, big difference

Posted by & filed under Oliver.

Because Oliver’s hair seems to grow at a snail’s pace (he had his first haircut at age three just to tame some flyaways), sometimes I forget to notice that it needs to be trimmed.

That is, until I take a photo of him on a hot day.
A few days later while Ryan was at work I went at him with the hair clippers and a prayer. (Yes, prayer – remember, his hair grows sloooooowly, so any errors are going to stick around for a while.)
Twenty minutes and one hairy popsicle later, and we had a new kid!


(Who happened to be wearing the same shirt as he was wearing in the previous photo.)
It always amazes me how much older he looks with just a quick trim of his hair. And somehow, his crazy even feels a little less crazy. :)
Happy Tuesday, friends!

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14 Responses

  1. Katie 12 July 2011 at 4:25 pm

    >Your kids are both so gorgeous!! Every time I see a picture of you, I giggle because they HAVE YOUR FACE!! <3

  2. Anonymous 12 July 2011 at 5:05 pm

    >I came to your blog today to post a comment on your wine event post, and it's gone ( I read it last night on my iPhone, and I still don't have that thing quite figured out!). I thought you approached it with such sensitivity and class. And regardless, this is your blog about your life, your family, your events…if other people don't drink wine and don't want to read about you drinking wine, there is a red X in the top right corner of their computer screen that will solve that problem quickly. I hope that you weren't pressured to take down your post. Though I am not a Christian, I always enjoy reading your blog, and I find your faith and parenting style inspiring.

  3. nic 12 July 2011 at 5:45 pm

    >such a dashing little fellow. my kids lie on the opposite end of the spectrum and i feel like they need a haircut every time i turn around. multiply by five and it's a bit wearying for the resident clipper. :)

  4. Amy 12 July 2011 at 7:04 pm

    >So cute! Good Job Momma! BTW, where is the wine and cheese post? I wanted to jot down the menu and possible create my own little party. Hope it reappears!

  5. The Thornton Family 12 July 2011 at 9:08 pm

    >I was wondering about the party post, too. I think it's a neat idea and wanted to look at your menu again. We're in the very early stages of looking for land to build on and I would love to do something like that in our new home.

  6. Megan Brueseke 13 July 2011 at 12:42 am

    >I too came looking for your wine and cheese party post. I wanted to share with my husband what you put at the end of the post about wine being a beverage..I couldn't remember exactly how you worded it, but I remember thinking it was great. We are also christians, pastors in fact, who enjoy a glass of wine occasionally but are always aware of those around us and considerate of them, not wanting to cause anyone to stumble.

  7. Ellery 13 July 2011 at 1:05 am

    >Your children are beautiful, as are you. You did a great job on Oliver's haircut! Surely, he sat perfectly still and was the picture of patience. :0)

    Your wine and cheese party was lovely, and your post, like the party, was in excellent taste. Coincidentally, I had just read a bit earlier about Jesus' first miracle, when he turned water into wine at the wedding in Cana.

  8. Lynn 13 July 2011 at 1:19 am

    >Sad your post is down. Such a touchy issue in so many circles. It was so sensitively and appropriately done, I'm sorry that it's gone! Let me say though…that little Oliver is just soooo cute. :) Blessings to you!


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