>Claire Wise Photography

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My Mom always used to say, “There’s no quicker way to a mother’s heart than through loving her children.”

And my dear friend Claire Wise is one of few people on this Earth who has met and loved all three of my babies.

Claire has a special place in my heart. Not only has she used her remarkable talent as a photographer to craft beautiful, priceless images of our three children over the past several years, but she has the biggest heart of anyone I know. She loves hard and pours herself out for perfect strangers. I am always amazed at what she can do with her camera. But more, every time I am with her I am amazed by the woman God is crafting her to be. She is a treasure.

We had the privilege of spending yesterday afternoon with Claire while she took pictures of us and our babes. My sister came along to help out (you should have seen all the delightful singing and dancing she was doing behind Claire to keep the kids’ attention – she worked HARD!) and when she saw these pictures this morning she said, “It was a lovely location and all, but it was a farm and it was hot! Claire made everything look so cool and peaceful and dreamy – like a summer afternoon in a storybook. I don’t know how she does it!”

She really does just capture a slice of childhood.

These are our sneak peeks and I am just beside myself with joy. I can take a thousand pictures of my family with my little DSLR, but there is nothing like going to a professional and letting her work her magic.


Thank you, friend! For sharing your amazing talents
and friendship with us! We adore you!

All images copyright ClaireWise Photography, 2011.

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11 Responses

  1. The McKinleys 21 June 2011 at 6:22 pm

    >those pictures are AMAZING!!! they make me want to go get our family pictures taken too! you all look great :)

  2. Audrey 21 June 2011 at 11:11 pm

    >Thats our Claire. There's just nobody better. Love her.

    Cutest family picture ever! I totally have one by that exact same gate. :)

  3. Ashley 22 June 2011 at 2:33 am

    >GORGEOUS!!!! I now have the itch to get good family pictures taken. Also, I LOVE how Oliver is your mini me and Hazel is Ryan's. Perfection!


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