7 Responses

  1. Grace 14 April 2011 at 5:18 am

    >If it weren't for the fact that it would be covetous/wrong… your sister's hair would be making me so incredibly jealous ;)… It just isn't fair for one woman to have so much beautiful hair!!

  2. Kristie 15 April 2011 at 5:00 am

    >I love this post! There is so much embracing of life in it! The sun, the pool, the fruit. I'm drooling over your patio set. (where did you find it???) I am also wondering if you have routines and what they are like? I find it so hard to embrace moments like this because of something or the other…laundry, dishes, etc. Is there something in your daily life that makes this easier? I'd love to hear about it! I also am dying to know how Miss. H is sleeping and if teething has hindered your sleep training at all. My baby still won't sleep through the night and boy would I love some sleep!!! (she's 12 months tomorrow!)


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