
Posted by & filed under Hazel.

Some of y’all had some questions for me in the comments of my last post. You’ll be glad to know that I try to respond to your questions whenever I can. Your best bet is to have an email address connected to whatever account you use to comment (I can just respond directly to you nice and tidy-like!). But if I can’t respond to you by email, I try to respond to your questions by leaving a comment also and addressing it to you.

Y’all were asking today about how we got Hazel to sleep through the night and if I could make and sell those darling ruffle bloomers in my Etsy shop. The answer to the former question can be found in the comments section of my last post and to the latter the answer is: Yes! I checked with the copyright stipulations of the pattern and I am allowed to make them for sale in my Etsy shop. Yay! So, if you want a pair for your daughter/niece/granddaughter or for a gift, just contact me through my Etsy shop and I’ll be so happy to work with you!

And since I hate to write a post without pictures, AND since I have so many darling photos to share, I’ll close with another shot of this 10-month-old girl I’m rather fond of.

Have a lovely Friday, friends!

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6 Responses

  1. Bethany 21 January 2011 at 3:09 pm

    >You really are great at responding directly to people (at least I can speak from experience….since you emailed me directly about my photo question and then blogged about it the next day). I appreciate it….it makes the blogging community so much smaller when we have contact with each other.

    I was pretty darn lucky because my son was sleeping through the night (with one small 20 minute nursing break) at 6 weeks. Praise God, since I had to go back to work then. He's been a fabulous kid ever since (he's now 6).

    Those bloomers are precious! Hope you sell lots. :)

    Good luck.

  2. Ashlynn 22 January 2011 at 4:04 am

    >Hi there! I'm stopping in as your newest follower and I just wanted to say that the ruffled bloomers are out-of-this-world adorable! I really hope to have a little girl one day so that I can dress her up in cute outfits like that!

  3. MaMa Vaughn 22 January 2011 at 8:44 pm

    >bout to follow your blog. Been following but not "officially"!:] I love it and love your pictures and all your little crafts that you show.

    I was wondering what type of camera & lens you have and what photo editing program do you use, and maybe what actions too.:] I love how all your photos are so clear and the color pops. love it. :]

  4. Raechel 23 January 2011 at 2:17 am

    >MaMa Vaughn – The camera question is a common one! Maybe I need to have a FAQ section for y'all! Glad to answer though! I use a Canon Rebel Xsi and most often I use my standard 18-55 lens. I also use a 55mm fixed prime lens that I LOVE and a 75-300 zoom lens (what I used for all the snow pictures). I use Lightroom to edit my photos and while I like to edit them "freestyle" within Lightroom too, I definitely enjoy the presets I purchased from Totally Rad Actions online (you can google them).

    Hope that helps!!

  5. Ashley 23 January 2011 at 6:00 am

    I just wanted to say a quick hi, since I've been reading your blog for about a year but I don't think I've ever commented. I've been reading through your archives for a few days now, while nursing my 2 month old and staying up late to read instead of getting sleep before I am woken up by said hungry two month old! :) I know the fact of me reading over your whole blog is a bit stalkerish, but perhaps it is less so because I am admitting to it?! I love your style, tutorials, photos, and honesty. Your babies are breathtakingly beautiful… all of them. I blogged for a few years before ditching it a few months ago, and you have so inspired me to start up again! You are such an example to me and surely to many others, and God is so obviously using you in a wonderful way.



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