Lego Fever Fever + Legos

Posted by & filed under Being a Mom, Oliver.


Oliver has been laid flat with a high fever since Monday evening (it’s now Friday evening) and has been either asleep, delirious or watching Charlie & Lola for most of that time.
If you follow me on Twitter you may already know that Wednesday night we took him to the pediatrician where they ran a strep test, flu test, CBC (to rule out meningitis, appendicitis and a number of other white blood cell-related problems) and ultimately a chest X-ray to get to the bottom of his nearly 105-degree fever and vomiting. All of those tests turned up nothing (not sure whether to be relieved that he had none of those illnesses or to be frustrated that antibiotics were not going to be our simple solution for a VERY sick kid) and for now we’re just calling it a terrible virus and hoping that no one else in our family catches it.
(I have been encouraged to hear from a few of you via Twitter that you’re kiddos have had similar illnesses and that it DOES end! My sympathies just the same.)
Yesterday he had a small break in his fever and as long as his temperature is normal he’s feeling good so he got to play for about an hour before it came back again.
He also managed to be fever-free for most of the night last night and this morning and actually squeezed in some quality Lego-playing time with Mommy before it came back and laid him flat again.
(Here he had decided that his new creation was a video camera. It was so nice to have him up and smiling for a little while.)
Until this yucky sickness passes we’re laying low at the Myers home. The New Year will likely be greeted by me and my handsome husband clinking champagne glasses (or more likely hot chocolate mugs) and keeping vigil with the thermometer and a cool wash cloth. It’s certainly not glamorous, but it’s part of being a Mommy and Daddy and we’re just fine with it. Who knows, maybe we’ll whip up a few pigs in a blanket to class things up a bit!
Get well soon, boo boo. We loved playing with you when you were feeling well today and it makes us want the healthy Oliver back even more!
Happy New Year dear friends! May the Lord bless you and keep you!

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4 Responses

  1. Beth 1 January 2011 at 1:04 am

    >Just wanted you to know that we have completely missed Christmas around here with the same awful, awful bug. Our 22 month old had it, and it lasted for 8 days. It has taken him another 4 days to get back to normal. My husband has now been in bed with it for the past 4 days. I am 23 weeks pregnant, and desperately hoping I can avoid it. I promise that it passes, but it is a very long road to complete recovery. Hang in there!

  2. formy2kids 1 January 2011 at 2:46 am

    >Yes, it does end. I know it is scary. I hate it when the little ones are sick and delirious. I think the delirious part is the most frightning! Hopefully he will feel better tomorrow and will be ready to play hard again. They bounce back so quickly! Here's to a healthy New Year (and that no one else gets sick).

  3. nic 1 January 2011 at 4:27 am

    >oh, sweet oliver. i'm praying his virus leaves soon, and that the rest of you remain healthy. i'm glad he got some lego-time in!

    happy almost-new-year. :)


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