b.children’s wear

Posted by & filed under Etsy, just things.

Remember back in August when I introduced you to b.children’s wear as one of my favorite Etsy shops?

Remember how I gushed about their unique, age-appropriate J.Crew-ish style?

Remember how I showed you all the things I loved for Oliver and Hazel and have since photographed Oliver in my absolutely favorite sword shirt from this shop time and time again?


Remember how I promised a giveaway sometime this fall?

I’m making good, friends. I’m making good!

Lindsey at b.children’s wear is giving away not one but TWO $25 gift certificates this week! Woot! (Am I allowed to enter these giveaways??)

So, here’s the drill:
1. check out the b.children’s wear shop
2. find all kinds of pretty things for your kids and your niece and nephew and all the other littles that you love.
3. wish that you were small enough to fit into the cool embellished girly tees and tanks.
3. leave a comment here, telling me about the best Christmas gift you ever received. (one per person, of course.)
4. remember to leave your email address if it’s not linked to your blog (and especially if you’re commenting anonymously)
5. giveaway closes Monday, November 29th
6. win! well, you know, at least try! :)

Also, if you just can’t wait another moment, Lindsey is also offering 15% off to all y’all now through December 8th. You can enter the code “findingmyfeet10” at the checkout. (Yes, Etsy is now allowing actual coupon codes! Groovy.)

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87 Responses

  1. Leigh 24 November 2010 at 2:37 pm

    >B. Children's Wear is one of my favorites, I am SO obsessed with the city scape sweatshirt.

    okay best christmas gift,the one that stands out most in my mind from childhood was my American Girl doll! I really didn't think I was going to get one so it was a big shock. But this year will be the best because next week we should get on the waitlist for our Ethiopian adoption. Nothing will top getting closer to our children, nothing!

    My email is leigh (dot) onedayatatime (at) gmail (dot) com

  2. Kate 24 November 2010 at 2:42 pm

    >My favourite Christmas gift was the guitar my husband (then boyfriend) gave me. I was so surprised! Gifts that you are surprised to get, but love, are the best.

    k8ty_bj at hotmail dot com

  3. Sidnie 24 November 2010 at 2:48 pm

    >Santa spent hours hiding out in our basement building a doll house from a kit. Then Christmas eve my dad let it slip that he wasn't finished working on it. I pretended not to hear, but inside I knew the truth.
    That doll house is the only Santa gift I really remember and the only one I still have.

  4. Anonymous 24 November 2010 at 2:48 pm

    >Ohhhh, those clothes are so darling! My best Christmas gift every year was my socking. Santa (my mom) jammed it full of books, CDs, makeup, sugar cereal…lots and lots of little treasures. I can't wait to do the same for my two little kiddos this year!


  5. Cassandra 24 November 2010 at 3:20 pm

    >Love all the clothes on their site!! My favorite Christmas gift was courtside seats to an NBA game from my parents a couple years ago. We had SO much fun!!!

    Happy Thanksgiving all!

    cassandracriswell at att(dot)net

  6. Jordan Frazier 24 November 2010 at 3:46 pm

    >I LOVE her stuff so cute! My little guy would look so cute in one of those tees!

    My favorite Christmas present ever came easily for me to remember. The Christmas after my grandma passes away, my sweet grandpa went through all of her jewelry (she loved jewelry and had tons of it) and specifically chose one piece for each grandchild. My piece was a very old diamond snowflake necklace. The one she wore every winter, every christmas. Now, i wear it every winter and every Christmas!

  7. Mr. Nordmann 24 November 2010 at 3:51 pm

    >I love love love the little onesies! My favorite Christmas gift was actually one I bought. I bought the cutest baby blanket when my wife was pregnant with our first boy and we snuggled in bed with it every night until he was born.

  8. T.S. 24 November 2010 at 4:23 pm

    >So cute! I think my favorite Christmas gift was my American girl doll when I was in 4th grade. I loved that thing to pieces!

  9. Natalie Whisler 24 November 2010 at 4:29 pm

    >Loooooove the say cheese onesie. I think that our new baby boy who is due in January totally needs it ;)

    I think one of my favorite gifts was the Christmas after we were married. My brother surprised me by having my wedding dress cleaned and preserved.

    natalie at hotmail dot com

  10. Anonymous 24 November 2010 at 4:40 pm

    >Love the embellished tees and onesies. They look so soft and comfortable.

    My all time favorite Christmas gift was the year I received Suzie Smart, the talking mathematician/spelling doll. She wore a white shirt and plaid jumper with a lovely beret (little French hat), and came with a chalkboard, chalk and desk. I was about 8 years old. My sister received Nancy Nurse that year. Nancy came with a hospital bed and a nurse's cap. What fun we had.

  11. Melissa S. 24 November 2010 at 4:42 pm

    >Christmas morning is a big, big deal to my husband and because our experiences as children were so different, I didn't really understand why. He had Santa. I didn't. I never really felt like I missed out but he felt like I had been robbed of one of the best Christmas memories he has.

    The first Christmas morning after we got married I woke up to find "Santa presents" all over our living room. I love my man =)


  12. laurenmakes 24 November 2010 at 4:47 pm

    >I love all of their stuff! Perfect for the niece and nephews. And the tons of kids all of my friends are having!

    My favorite Christmas gift would have to be our old school Nintendo! My brother and I played for hours and hours. I remember my Dad giving me a special prize b/c I saved the princess and beat the game! Looking back now, I'm pretty sure I just got to the 2nd level. haha. good times!



  13. Melanie 24 November 2010 at 5:06 pm

    >the best christmas gift I ever received had to be the year my first little girl was born right before christmas. absolutely priceless. <3

    I love loev love this stuff!

  14. The Dortenzos 24 November 2010 at 5:08 pm

    >Well, I guess it wasn't a "thing" but my husband proposed to me 10 years ago this Christmas Eve and so the best Christmas present for me was glowing all day and telling all our relatives we were getting married–in6 months because we didn't want to wait any longer :)!

    This etsy shop is awesome!


  15. Laura 24 November 2010 at 5:10 pm

    >Like a commenter before me said, my favorite was my stocking! My parents would put all kinds of fun things in there and it was especially fun when I found nice jewelry in there amongst the treats and c.d.'s! Stockings are still my favorite part and I can't wait to stuff my little girl's this year!! :)

  16. Susan 24 November 2010 at 5:21 pm

    >Such cute stuff?

    Favorite Christmas gift? I'm at a loss! I love all my Christmas gifts…it's hard to choose just one. I think the surprises that you don't know you are getting, but still end up being something you love are the very best.

  17. Debbie 24 November 2010 at 5:26 pm

    >My favorite Christmas gift was an anniversary ring from my husband for our 20th anniversary…this year we are celebrating 30 years.

  18. Cheri 24 November 2010 at 5:38 pm

    >my best christmas gift was from my husband several years ago…he had just started his horseshoeing business and we didn't have extra money for presents that year. so he welded me a yard sign of our names out of old horseshoes. it's still my favorite thing in our yard…and it didn't cost a penny! :)

  19. Lost in Translation 24 November 2010 at 5:56 pm

    >My greatest Christmas gift would not be something I have received but one I will. We are expecting a little boy just a few days before Christmas and my mom will be flying in from the US for his birth. This will be the first time I see her since i left home in 2008, and the fact that we will all be together as a family means more to me then any material gift. My family has never even met my husband.

    My email is lostintranslation_08 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  20. Anonymous 24 November 2010 at 7:11 pm

    >Tough one but one gift stands out above all of the rest. It was last Christmas and my husband gave me a framed collage of artwork that my daughter has done. She is 3 now and I have kept a bin full of all of her work but had always complained that it just sits in a dark bin tucked away in the basement. He took pieces from all of them and arranged them into a beautiful piece that now rests boldly on our mantle. Best part, my daughter is proud of it too and that is more special than anything!!!!!

    Happy Holidays! Love b. children's wear and I'm passing it on!


  21. Sarah Robbins 24 November 2010 at 7:13 pm

    >Ooh, yippee! Pick me, pick me (just kidding, but seriously, feel free to pick me). This will be great for little Baby Robbins set to make his or her debut in 4 weeks!

    I LOVE the kite onesie. I also totally love the camera onesie since my husband is already teasing me about how many pictures I will take of our baby.

    Thanks for a fun giveaway.

  22. Meredith 24 November 2010 at 7:25 pm

    >The best Christmas gift I ever received… wow, that's hard; either a plane ticket to visit friends, a family trip to Niagra Falls or the Kindle I'm getting this year to use when we fly to Africa to pick up our baby.

    B.ChildrensClothing is so cute! I love O's sword shirt but also their sly sylvester shirt!

    Thanks for such a fun giveaway!

  23. Anonymous 24 November 2010 at 7:26 pm

    >I want the "Melvin the Mischevious" shirt for *ME*! Such cute things! My best Christmas gift was a little crock (from the thrift store) filled to the brim with "wishes" from my then-6 year old daughter — each little hand cut (roughly squarish pieces of paper, loving cut with safety scisors!) slip of paper had a kind thought or a loving picture or something of the sort. I *still* have it on my desk (8 years later!) and pull out those (now, VERY worn) slips of paper often. I feel those little girl arms around me every time I read on of those little love notes (even though she is a "too cool" 14-year old now). It is the joy of motherhood in a jar, and one of my most precious posessions.

    Cheers! ~JudyO

  24. Carla 24 November 2010 at 7:46 pm

    >oh my…… a favorite Christmas present?! This is tough…. but I'd have to say the Christmas before my sister unexpectedly passed away, she gave me Willow Tree Angels that are 2 sisters holding hands. It is still one of my favorite things she left behind for me.

  25. Ashley DeLen 24 November 2010 at 8:10 pm

    >my favorite christmas present was the movies, "Anne of Greengables" and "Anne of Avonlea". These tops are super cutie!!!

  26. Christine 24 November 2010 at 8:29 pm

    >I saw the coupon code announcement yesterday! So cool. Way to go, Etsy.

    I SHOULD say that my favorite Christmas present was my sister (Dec. 22), but I was 4, so whatever. So my real answer is a record player, which my husband gave to me the first Christmas we were married. We use it daily. It is just so good.

    weext! It's almost Christmas!!

  27. {Thirty} Little Piggies 24 November 2010 at 8:49 pm

    >My dad promised (for 2 years) that he had purchased an American Girl doll for me as a Christmas gift. It never came and it turned out, he never ordered it. (Yeah, it was really lame.) Since I was 10, I've had this ridiculous desire to own one of those beautiful dolls, even as I grew up and out of the doll stage. This past July, my hubby and I were in Chicago and walked past the American Girl store. My husband knew the story and knew how badly I wanted one of those dolls as a little girl. He brought me into the store (amidst about 300 little girls!) and told me to pick out whatever my heart desired. It was the best Christmas gift ever (even though it was in July and about 18 years late!) :)


  28. SarahBfromMN 24 November 2010 at 9:04 pm

    >Favorite Christmas gift?! This is hard. There are so many. I collected redheaded porcelain dolls growing up, so it was always very exciting to see what the doll would look like that my parents or grandma would buy (er, I mean Santa.) And the Barbies! Oh, all the Barbies….I miss those days. :)


  29. Amy 24 November 2010 at 9:29 pm

    >Wow, Merry Christmas to me…er, my girls! haha The best christmas gift? The one I spent decorating my Gramma's hospice room with all things twinkly, sparkly, red, and green. She was my best friend and it was her absolute favorite holiday. To be able to decorate her room was one of the saddest yet happiest moments of my life. Truly a special honor to be able to be there for her last christmas and to help her celebrate.

  30. Erin 24 November 2010 at 9:30 pm

    >I wish I could remember some of the bigger gifts I got as a child . . So glad I take pictures for my children now!!

    But 3 years ago while I was pregnant with alex we went on a cruise with my family and it was amazing!! We are going to cali this january and we can't wait!


  31. One Day... 24 November 2010 at 11:17 pm

    >The best? Hmmm, that's a hard one, I think one of the best Christmas presents I got was last year. My husband surprised me with a trip to go visit my best friend who sadly lives many states away. It was so much fun to visit with her and so sweet of my husband to surprise me! :)


  32. Karen 25 November 2010 at 12:31 am

    >Such cuteness! *GUSH*

    I'd say the best presnt I got was a complete scrapbook. I love personalized gifts that take more time and thoughtfulness than they do money.

    kibeagel at gmail dot com

  33. Megan 25 November 2010 at 1:14 am

    >I love the style on this etsy site. If I were only rich…My faves are the "ruffled tush onesie" and "say cheese onesie."

    My fave Christmas gift was the year my hubby gave me 52 slips of paper. Each one had a reason why he loved me (one for each week of the year). It was so sweet! Otherwise, definitely my Cabbage Patch Kid doll from my grandma circa 1986.

  34. TEKM 25 November 2010 at 1:27 am

    >Fun! With two boys and one more on the way I love an etsy seller who has such great boy options!! We didn't exchage gifts growing up, but one of my favorite memories is digging out all the boxes of christmas decorations after church on the first Sunday of advent. We would eat finger food, put on the christmas CD's and make our house look eclectically festive. Love it!

  35. Rachel C 25 November 2010 at 2:01 am

    >I should probably say Adleigh since she was born two weeks before Christmas, but I'm not going to count people.
    My favorite Christmas present is probably the quilt my grandma made me years ago. She has made all of the grandkids (20) one, and all 12 great-grandkids. I still have it, and while I don't use it as much because it's 20 years old, I love that I have something special that was made just for me. Even better, I helped her quilt it without knowing it was for me, so it's something we worked on together.

  36. Kameron 25 November 2010 at 2:11 am

    >I love that litttle love letter tee! So cute! The best present I have received was my camera last year! I got the Nikon D5000 and am slowly learning to use it!

  37. Anonymous 25 November 2010 at 3:09 am

    >My favorite Christmas gift was a set of white nesting doll measuring cups for my kitchen. My stepmom sought them out and ordered them from Japan because they were out of stock in the US! Cute stuff! I do not have a blog my email is jryli78@yahoo.com

  38. .:Heather:. 25 November 2010 at 4:23 am

    >ooooh I love everything in the shop but especially the ruffly tank in your post! I have 2 daughters & would like to have their closets filled with b. children's wear! :)

    The best Christmas gift I received I am getting this Christmas…Tina Steinburg fingerprint necklace with fingerprints of my girls. <3

  39. Rebecca Schmalz 25 November 2010 at 5:13 am

    >Too cute….love this shop!

    OK my best Christmas gift happens to be a gift I have given. After finding out we were pregnant with Molly we waited to tell my parents in person that Christmas. So we gave them a DVD of the ultrasound as their gift…timeless and precious reactions!


  40. Bliss 25 November 2010 at 6:06 am

    >I wonder if she can custom the Love Letter shirt for me. Love that shirt.
    Best Christmas Gift: Your going to think this is hilarious but the Best Christmas gift I ever got was when I was 14 and I was begged and begged for black stirrup pants. That's right, stirrup's. I was so so excited when I got them that I literally wore them till they were thin and holey. Over the years I have recieved Tiffany jewelry from my Hubster, Gourmet kitchen things from my Mom and sweaters galore. But I will never forget the black stirrups. I was just SO delighted.
    Happy Thanksgiving!
    You bless me everytime I visit!

  41. Kathy 25 November 2010 at 2:49 pm

    >My best Christmas present was my first Christmas home after I went away to college. My mom had gotten all of my family together and they made me a quilt. Everyone made a square and signed it and my mom and grandmother put them all together. It made me cry to know that they were thinking of me and loving me while I was away.


  42. Misty R 25 November 2010 at 4:18 pm

    >The one Christmas gift that stands out as THE BEST was my new sister. I was 6 & she was 3 days old. That Christmas I didn't want to play with anything other than her. I was so proud!

    Now we are both married & expecting our own children. I will never forget that Christmas when my mom came home with her. It was magical!

    Misty R.

  43. Anonymous 26 November 2010 at 12:58 am

    >Happy Thanksgiving Raechel!! I really love the sword shirt!

    My fav Christmas gift….my pink and purple ghetto blaster when I was 7. I rocked that thing for years :) I also loved the hope chest that my parents gave me when I was 16. It is still at the end of our bed (10 years later) safely storing all the fancy dishes that my Gran gave me for our wedding.

    Blessings to you this Thanksgiving.


  44. Little Misses Kate 26 November 2010 at 2:18 am

    >Oh, this one's easy …
    Best Christmas Gift – appendectomy, December 27th, while spending the holidays with my (then) fiancée and family. Fun stuff.

  45. Andrea and Grant 26 November 2010 at 4:54 pm

    >I can tell you the best gift this Christmas will be the addition of our daughter (she's 6 months old)! I can't wait to spend Christmas with her! And she would adorable in any one of b.children's wear clothes!

  46. Claire 26 November 2010 at 9:26 pm

    >Ok, you're right they're stuff is so cute and I wanted a lot of it in my size!

    Best Christmas gift: Last year my husband got me a wall canvas with Psalm 139:14 on it and room for our daughter's foot and hand prints.

    cekparker at gmail dot com

  47. Marcella 27 November 2010 at 2:43 am

    >Some very cute stuff! Love the cityscape hoodie!
    Best Christmas Gift????
    I received a gorgeous tanzanite ring from my husband about 5 years ago. Wear it everyday and love it. One is the biggest surprises I ever opened on Christmas!

  48. BritneyD 27 November 2010 at 2:57 am

    >Best Christmas gift as an adult was my 50mm 1.4 lens for my camera! Love it!
    As a child, a very life-like doll from a doll museum in my town.

  49. Sydney 27 November 2010 at 5:08 am

    >The best Christmas gift I ever got was my Pentax film camera from my dad. My dad used to do a lot of photography and I became interested through him. The camera has let me been able to share all of my experiences with my family and friends.

  50. heididh33 27 November 2010 at 5:29 pm

    >We usually don't get into presents but my husband got me a camera one year and God has opened so many doors for us with it! Never would have dreamed a Christmas present could change my life. :)
    Thanks for the fun giveaway!

  51. Autumn 27 November 2010 at 10:09 pm

    >Love this shop!! And I really wish they made them in my size! ;)

    It's hard to pick out the best Christmas present I ever received…I remember the fun with my family more than the gifts. I love celebrating the birth of our Savior and spending it with those I love most in this world.


  52. formy2kids 28 November 2010 at 12:37 am

    >I love the flower bud cardigan. So feminine yet looks great with jeans! Cute stuff.

    My favorite Christmas gift came on Christmas Eve in 2001. My then boyfriend proposed to me. I knew it would happen eventually but I totally did not expect it then. He handed me a gigantic box that I *thought* had a fondue kit that we had planned to give to friends but instead the boxes inside got smaller and smaller until he gave me my own ring back that he had cleaned. After I admired (albeit cofused) my own ring, he showed me the hidden compartment with my engagement ring and said, "So…what's the answer?" I responded with, "So… what's the question? ;)

    8 1/2 years later, 1 house, 1 dog, and 2 kids later, we are still madly in love.
    iseekbeach @ hotmail.com

  53. Anonymous 29 November 2010 at 3:06 am


    My best Christmas gift ever was my son Brady…he was born on December 19 and after a csection, we came home just in time for my birthday which is also on Christmas Day! Can't get any better than to be blessed by a child!!!!!


  54. shannon 29 November 2010 at 4:23 am

    >The best Christmas gift I ever got was from my husband our 1st Christmas as a married couple. He got me the most lovely diamond bracelet– very delicate and dainty– that he picked out completely on his own and it blew my socks off. Whenever I wear it, I think of him in a jewelry store for the wife who is not big on jewelry and picking out the one and only thing that would make my heart soar. I don't love it because of it's monetary value– it just reminds me how much he loves me to think of something like that, wanting me to feel so special <3


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