All’s Quiet…

Posted by & filed under Adoption, Bea, Scout.

Okay, not really.

Despite how things may look, things are anything but “quiet” at the Myers’ home right now.

In fact, all’s pretty darn loud if you ask me.

My sister and brother -in-law received word last Tuesday that they were cleared to travel to Ethiopia to pick up one of their boys. (Do you remember when their adoption process started two years ago?) They booked tickets right away and left Nashville on Sunday. Not a lot of warning time.

So, while they’re traveling to Africa and meeting both of their sons for the very first time (we are praying that the Lord would somehow make it possible for both boys to be cleared for travel home – otherwise one will have to remain in Ethiopia until they return. We know that it is the Lord who has the final say in this…), we are enjoying keeping Beatrice for two weeks as our bonus family member.

I’m really enjoying having a (bigger) girl around. I dress her and do her hair and she even lets me snuggle her!

However, I’m still in the midst of the 1-child-to-2-children transition. A third child is a little tricky. Particularly when our sweet guest spikes a 103.2 degree fever out of nowhere and wants her Mama. Poor gal. (We’re all okay now, by the way.)

The good news is, we are surrounded by people who love us. Every day this week someone has come to help in some way – to give me a break, to take the kids to do something special, or to hold down the fort while we make an unscheduled visit to the pediatrician.

In fact, Oliver and Beatrice left at 8:00 this morning for a breakfast-through-lunch playdate with the Shurden family. Christy, you’re my hero!

And thus, I’m sitting down to blog for the first time in five days.

Hello, friends!

I know I’ve talked about it a bit on Twitter, but I don’t think I’ve mentioned it yet here: our dear Scoutie is not doing so great. (Scout is our 6-year-old Weimaraner, for those of y’all who don’t know – who could possibly not know The Scout??) I took her to the vet last week because she’d been favoring her right paw for a while and we wondered if she’d injured it playing or something. We had no idea we’d walk out of there with a cancer diagnosis in our future.

She’s been back several times and is, in fact, there now for further testing. The vet has narrowed it down to either osteosarcoma or fibrosarcoma (I believe that’d be either bone cancer or tissue cancer, right?) and the biopsy he did yesterday should be conclusive enough for us to decide how to move forward.

Three-legged dog, anyone?

On a less depressing-yet-somehow-poetic note, I’m working on a fun plan for y’all for the month of August! I’ve been in contact with some of my favorite Etsy shops and am arranging a series of reviews, highlights, discounts and giveaways for y’all to enjoy. I’ve already begun the process of photographing and testing things, but since I have an idea that my life will continue to be chaotic for the next couple of weeks (we will have our girl here until here parents return on the 31st, then we’ll be honeymooning with the boys, I imagine, for a while too!), I’m trying to pace myself.

Trust me though, it’ll be good!

Okay, now I’m off to savor my morning of being the mother of one adorably, snuggly, giggly 4-month-old.

And don’t worry – that headband post is forthcoming!

Happy Thursday, friends! Blessings!

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11 Responses

  1. Chelsa 22 July 2010 at 2:15 pm

    >is that the new furniture?!

    wow, you're having a hectic time right now! glad bea is feeling better! enjoy being the momma to three for these couple weeks! praying for BOTH the to return!

  2. Leigh 22 July 2010 at 3:25 pm

    >oh man, praying big time for your sister. we are adopting two children from ethiopia and I cannot imagine bringing one home without the other. I know that must just break her heart! God can change anything the governement has ruled on if it's His will!! Praying that He does!

  3. Janna 22 July 2010 at 3:44 pm

    >OH, I will be praying for your sister's family!!!

    I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. I have a four year old border collie and I KNOW that dogs truly are a part of the family and I'm so sorry your's is sick.

    On a light note, though. Is that your porch? GORGEOUS!!

  4. Erin 22 July 2010 at 3:54 pm

    >love that furniture, where did you get it! I would be so scared to have that color with kids around.. It must be outdoor? So must be easy to clean?! Wishful thinking.

    Can't wait to hear about the travels and if they get to bring both home!

  5. Tracy 22 July 2010 at 5:14 pm

    >the furniture is beautiful! Are you in love with it? 12 weeks worth of love?

    I'm anxiously awaiting the Scout update. Holly and I were just talking about her/you today.

    AND, I'm so stinking excited for R's baby boys to come home! I'll be praying they'll be able to bring both of them home at the same time, too!

    Much love to you, and doggie snuffles to scout.

  6. Tracy 22 July 2010 at 5:14 pm

    >the furniture is beautiful! Are you in love with it? 12 weeks worth of love?

    I'm anxiously awaiting the Scout update. Holly and I were just talking about her/you today.

    AND, I'm so stinking excited for R's baby boys to come home! I'll be praying they'll be able to bring both of them home at the same time, too!

    Much love to you, and doggie snuffles to scout.

  7. Tracy 22 July 2010 at 5:14 pm

    >the furniture is beautiful! Are you in love with it? 12 weeks worth of love?

    I'm anxiously awaiting the Scout update. Holly and I were just talking about her/you today.

    AND, I'm so stinking excited for R's baby boys to come home! I'll be praying they'll be able to bring both of them home at the same time, too!

    Much love to you, and doggie snuffles to scout.

  8. nault's nook 22 July 2010 at 6:17 pm

    >Oh my goodness, that is a lot going on at once! Praying for your sister and their trip to ethiopia! Hugs for scout. I know that must be hard…
    Hang in there girl, and I love that furniture btw :)

  9. Caitlin 22 July 2010 at 9:32 pm

    >I know a three-legged dog that still trail blazes, explores, and keeps up with the best of them. Praying for the best possible outcome for Scout!

  10. Christine 23 July 2010 at 2:03 am

    >I just need to say that, in our personal experience, three-legged dogs rock. Also, your furniture turned out great. Also, gentef.

  11. Beana 23 July 2010 at 4:17 am

    >Not sure how long you've had it, since I usually read in Reader, but I like the new blog look! so exciting about your new nephews.


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