Mother of two – 8 weeks and counting

Posted by & filed under Being a Mom.

Not a lot of time to post. But, since it’s been nine days, I’ll let you know I’m still alive and not underwater.

The flood never made it into our house – praise the Lord! Many were not so fortunate. It will be a long road of recovering from this disaster in a lot of very nearby areas.
In the meantime – I’m a mother of two. Have been for 8 weeks now. Um, how do y’all do it?
I’m so tired. So impatient with Oliver. So very much still in my jammies as I type.
Hazel is a fantastic baby most days – textbook and much easier than Oliver was as an infant.
Today not so much.
Today, Hazel wouldn’t let me put her down long enough to pee in peace. She took about seventeen 10-minute naps. Needless to say, we’re both pretty tired. (although I did manage to find enough time to order some fabric to restock my sewing room. Where are my priorities – buying fabric or getting dressed into regular people clothes???)
Also, I had a random, out of nowhere rough day of missing my girl. Just sort of woke up sad for no reason. I’ll be fine tomorrow – just a low day today. It happens.
Also also, Ry just hired a new employee and she started yesterday. It’s a good thing (a big step for his business and something we’re very excited about!), but it’s taking some adjusting. He’s more focused now and is working full 8-hour days without so may breaks – doggone him! :) So, I’m getting a real taste of motherhood old-school style. You know – the motherhood many of y’all do every day.
Just me and the kids.
Seriously, how do you do it???
Looking forward to bedtime. And maybe an apple martini. ;)

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22 Responses

  1. Sarah O 11 May 2010 at 11:18 pm

    >I serve pancakes for dinner. More often than I should… or even worse, cereal!
    And getting dressed is over-rated…

  2. mamaK 11 May 2010 at 11:27 pm

    >Oh, pancakes! That's a good idea! I am the mom to a three year old boy and a three week old girl. All she wants to do is be held and will not go down for naps at all either. I just tell myself that this will be over by the time she is one or two and I will really miss it. But, if you figure out how to get a shower, do laundry, or dishes…I'd love to hear it!

  3. The Morrisons 11 May 2010 at 11:29 pm

    >Getting dressed is definitely WAY overrated. We pray (a lot), ask lots of forgiveness from the kiddos, say I'm sorry for shouting too often, and a cocktail after bedtime is a must! Love you friend. If you ever need to get out of the house (always works for me when the days seem long) come on over.

  4. Jessica 12 May 2010 at 1:01 am

    >I have three little girls, and everyone ALWAYS asks me. "How do you do it" or "I don't know how you do it" I always respond, "I just DO it" My husband and I also have our own business, and have worked up to several employees over the years, so I know how it is starting off. If you ever have any questions…just ask! By the way, my girls are still enjoying the skirts you made!

  5. Chelsa 12 May 2010 at 1:03 am

    >i just went back to work yesterday- it's ROUGH!! i feel like the "routine" will never feel normal!

  6. Erin 12 May 2010 at 1:07 am

    >I am having those impatient days with Alex as well! Sometimes I don't think I can do it but then she makes me laugh and smile and it makes everything that much better! Just remember its ok if she cries a little :) We let Avin fuss it out sometimes.

  7. Kendra Haneline 12 May 2010 at 1:44 am

    >First off… I just love to read your blog. I stumbled onto it somehow about 6 months ago through another friends blog.

    Second, for a little advice (if you are interested) for handling multiple children. It took me about 6 months to adjust to normal when my second child was born. It's a learned process and gets a little easier each day. One thing I found was great for my then 2 year old was a "special box"… it consisted of some of his favorite things that he didn't get to play with all of the time. Special coloring books, toys, games, etc. I would re-stock it once in a while to get some new stuff in it. I would bring it out when I needed for him to be entertained for a while… most of the time it was during one of the times I was nursing his baby brother. He always looked forward to getting to play with his "special box" several times a week. Another thing that I absolutely couldn't have lived without with any of my 3 kids was a sling. If you don't have one, you should get one. It made life much, much easier while they were very little! I could still play with the older kids…hands free… while holding the baby.

    I'm glad you were not flooded out of your house. I have several friends and family there (who were all fortunate as well) & have seen many pictures and heard so many stories of families who lost everything.

  8. Mary 12 May 2010 at 1:45 am

    >It's been 8 weeks!! Cut yourself some slack :)

    And, not to say that this is the answer, my mom told me that she would take my 2 older siblings to playgroup to get some "real people" time with the other moms and one of the moms had a coffee mug…of wine. (I think fabric shopping is probably the better answer)

  9. domesticjoys 12 May 2010 at 3:30 am

    Hang in there girl, it really does get better, you will find your grove. And give yourself some grace. We have all been a little too impatient with our oldests. Ask for forgiveness from Oliver when needed and find some tasks that he can be your special helper. Both of which, I am sure you are doing, just ideas : )

    Oh, an apple martini sounds dreamy! Enjoy!

    And, thank you Lord for new grace for each day!

  10. Alyssa 12 May 2010 at 3:33 am

    >Where do you order your fabric from? I've checked out a bunch of online places and am just not sure which to go with. Thanks!

    It only gets easier with two! My daughter is 18 months old (and son is 3.5y) and the blur of the newborn+toddler struggles is almost gone. Good thing too since I'm pregnant with #3. I'm sure the tough days will be even more frequent!

  11. shannon 12 May 2010 at 4:00 am

    >I just let go of my need to be what I think I should and learn to celebrate the little things. I am pregnant with baby #4, and my husband is in the Navy and getting ready to deploy when this little girl will be 5 months old.
    When people offer me help, by baby #3, I learned to accept it. And in the beginning, I really do make the little things count. Oh, and the other thing that I have found really helpful is getting out and getting fresh air as much as possible. It motivated me, refreshed me, and made me feel normal. Just try and grab a hold of whatever normal you can and celebrate it. It does get easier!!

  12. Brittanie 12 May 2010 at 4:41 am

    >I like that answer to the question "You just DO it." You do what you have to and no more. I loved my wrap for the days my baby boy wouldn't be put down. It let me at least wash a few dishes in peace.

  13. Tracy 12 May 2010 at 12:39 pm

    >Honestly, my moby wrap has been a life saver this time around! (well, my home-made version of the moby. :) ) Just carry little man around for most of the day, and he was good!

  14. Liz Elvir 12 May 2010 at 7:17 pm

    >hang in there! you are doing fine.

    As a mother of 3 wonderful kids – 10, 8 and 4 – I have to tell you this is all temporary. You will soon be out of this stage and onto another. and then another…and then another and then you hate 4th grade all over again and don't like your sons teachers…. and then another…

    patience….good luck with that. mine when out the door a while ago. it comes back in spurts….

    just love them every single second and no matter how mad you are and how much you yell…always make sure you tell them you love them. (remember that advice when they are about 10ish!!)

    good luck…

  15. Yankee Girl ~ Missy 13 May 2010 at 3:52 pm

    >New to your blog!

    I remember them days well. Mine are 18 months apart. It will get easier when she starts moving around. However then you will have 2 of them in everything.

  16. Dee 14 May 2010 at 8:31 pm

    >Hehe.. I am having a PJ day, not entirely by choice but I am resigned to it now. Two outta four fussy kids so here I sit cuddling and coddling while I dream I am in the garden and praying Hubbie gets home before dark. :)

    Take it one day at a time. I just wrote a post about how it always seems to take me three months to find my parenting groove after a baby is born.

  17. Tricia 15 May 2010 at 2:09 am

    >I agree, getting dressed in real people clothes is definitely overrated!! I have a 4 yr old, a 20 month old and a 9 week old! I was putting away clean laundry last week and realized that my clean pile literally consisted of 6 pairs of pajamas! Nothing else…just pj's! I didn't put one piece of real clothing on that week…sad! It will get better–this is just a season. I know one day I will look back and miss the days of hanging out with my kids in my pj's!!!

    As to how it is done? I have no idea…I just keep taking it one day at a time and try to get enough "sleep" to be able to get up and do it all again the next day. Our closet family is 8 hrs. away so we are do get bummed that we don't have much help–especially on weekends when we wish we could get out for a bit and have a date night. that is the hardest for us–staying connected as a couple and finding time for us.

  18. Kameron 20 May 2010 at 2:14 pm

    >I hear you. I'm almost 6 months into the 2 kid thing and some days are better than others. I guess you just learn to cut corners in the areas that don't matter as much…like still being in your pjs! Poor Hazel is probably going through a growth spurt. I hope it settles back down soon!

  19. JCF 26 May 2010 at 4:06 am

    >My goal those first few weeks and months with a newborn and a toddler (15 months apart) was to keep everyone's tummy full and pants dry. The end. If I managed to accomplish more in any given day, I could then feel really good about it. I keep reminding myself of this, as I'm currently pregnant with #3. In 6 weeks or so, I'll have a 2y9mo, an 18mo, and a newborn. Yikes!


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