Window Shopping

Posted by & filed under Hazel, Oliver, Pregnancy.

So, as most Mamas do at some point in their pregnancy, I have been thumbing through old photo albums and looking at pictures of myself as a baby.

It’s kind of like window shopping. Just flipping through photos, gushing over how stinkin’ adorable you were as a child (because you WERE, not because your opinion is tilted in ANY way because they’re photos of you!) You get to pick out your favorite features from yours and your husband’s little baby selves and imagine them combined into a completely edible little ensemble (ahem, I mean person) that you imagine your baby will look like.
I wonder if Hazel will have very little hair like Oliver did, or have a more average amount like Ry and I did. (I totally have teeny weeny hair clips packed in my hospital bag JUST in case!)
(This is me. And yes, it’s hard to make a photo
from the 80s become suddenly clear and vibrant!)
I wonder if she’ll have huge lips that will take her entire life to grow in to like me, or if she’ll have lips like her daddy and Oliver – smaller on top and BIG on the bottom.
I can’t imagine her hair and eyes being anything but blonde and blue. Oliver and Evie both had bright white hair – I think that’s just how Ry and I make babies! (Plus, we were both toeheads when we were little).
(Me again. I think I was about 3 years old here. Mom, is that right?)
I’m just so excited to finally lay my eyes on this new little person.
Mmm… to meet eyes with my daughter! It will be like falling in love!
In the meantime, I am looking through old photo albums and window shopping. :)
And soon, we’ll know!
12 days to go!
And, since we’re on the topic of widow shopping, I thought I’d share with you a quick list of some of my current favorite, non-Etsy (yes, I DO branch out from time to time!) online kids stores. No discounts, no promos, just a good old fashioned resource list because I like you!
Kate Quinn Organics – they have an adorable pocket skirt on sale for $10 that I want for when Hazel is two. (Except that I’m not buying clothes that far in advance – so I’m just saying…)
Speesees fun, fair, organic clothes. Everything they sell looks
so soft and comfy. I especially like these bloomers.
MiniMe BabyGear – I know I’m only showing girl things,
but it’s just where my mind is right now!
Check out this stinkin’ cute Rufflebutt Bloomers:
I may adore them, but believe it or not, Ryan is over the moon for them!
(He’s having a baby girl, folks and it SHOWS!)
Oliebollen – a great place to find really unique boy and girl clothes.
Happy Chickadee Girls Boutique – yes, girls only. But lots of good, unique stuff and they also have some cool nursery decor!
That’s all the window shopping for today.
Happy March, friends!

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7 Responses

  1. Angela 2 March 2010 at 9:27 pm

    >It's hard for me to get into girlie things b/c I am a boy mom, tried and true. But those bloomers are adorable!

    Loved the belly shots from a few days ago. Wow…12 days. I have 22 days left, and I am. not. ready.

    I mean, I have all the things ready (save the letters on the nursery wall), but I am just not prepared to be taking care of a third child. Nooooo!!!! lol

  2. Grandma~rella 3 March 2010 at 4:33 am

    >Holy moly~12 DAYS!! My heart skipped a few beats as I read this! Havel is going to love, love, love all her precious, colorful Mommy-makin's and even more, she's going to fall instantly in love with her beautiful family! Can hardly wait to hear Hazel is HERE!" (((HUGS)))

  3. Christine 3 March 2010 at 12:40 pm

    >I gotta say, those bloomers make my heart go pitter-patter. Miss Charlotte packs a punch in crazy patterns, big bows, and flouncy shoes. It's like her bossiness come to life. I can just see her prancing around in those bloomers.

    Love the baby-looks speculation! I predict mama's lips and LOTS of blonde hair. I mean, every girl needs to be able to wear a hair clip, right?

    (Also: grorped. That's my special verification word today.)

  4. Mom 4 March 2010 at 12:25 am

    >I bought that little shirt on vacation in FL for R when I bought the sailor outfit for you. Rebecca was 2 years and 9 months when she wore it. You were a little ahead (size wise) of R at the same age so I think you were just a little over 2 in that picture. Also, those look like 2 year old knees to me.


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