17 Responses

  1. Kendahl 30 January 2010 at 4:45 pm

    >oh man! I can think of 3 projects I would LOVE to start with those fabrics! Do I see some Amy Butler? Are you going to save those full moon's for a special day or use them while you can? I'm so saddened that they are discontinuing!

    One project you could try (if you have time between all the baby projects :) is make a camera strap like those seen on MckMama's blog (sure you've seen them) – can't be too hard right? (Speaking of cameras…I hope yours survived the fall…)

    Now I am all giddy to go create :) Thanks for the inspiration! Happy Saturday!

  2. Sandy Hop 30 January 2010 at 6:08 pm

    >Love your fabrics! Yes, it does make me giddy, actually! I was at JoAnn Fabrics yesterday, looked around, and realized that these women are really my soulmates (you know, other than my husband…of course). They were all so helpful, and everyone had a project they were working on. Hmmm…sounds like a fun blog post…I'm off to start writing!

  3. Erin 30 January 2010 at 7:43 pm

    >If I knew what to do with it, it would make me giddy ha ha ha :) Or even better yet if I could have some custom made bibs that would make me super happy! I need a pick me upper after the news we got yesterday!

  4. the nourished mama 30 January 2010 at 10:36 pm

    >Beautiful fabric! You have me inspired to learn how to sew! I just ordered One-Yard Wonders by Rebecca Yaker and hopefully I will learn how to make some beautiful things. I'm so excited! I'd love to hear some recommendations from you on good books to learn with simple beginners patterns. I was also torn between In Stiches by AMy Butler and Seams to Me by Anna Maria Horner.

  5. Mr. and Mrs. B 31 January 2010 at 2:41 am

    >Ahhh pure bliss!!
    Like another poster, I too walk into my sewing room sometimes and just STARE at my fabrics. They truely make me feel ALIVE sometimes (especially in the dark, gloomy winter!)
    Have fun and can't wait to see what you create! I love your style!

  6. Gaia 31 January 2010 at 3:28 am

    >Well I wish I had such a big, beautiful pile of fabric then I could pass it on to my granny for her to create her patchwork blankets. :(

  7. Bethany 31 January 2010 at 3:39 am

    >Absolutely. I love new fabrics. I don't have much time to sew but am trying to do what I can. I was excited to see your handmade bibs….I will be making some for a friends baby due to arrive soon. Thanks for sharing the idea. I love reading your blog and following your story. God bless.

  8. Barbie 31 January 2010 at 4:04 am

    >Pretty! I love to look at fabric, but unfortunately, I wouldn't know what to do with it! I am not crafty in that way, but it sure is purdy!

  9. Elizabeth 31 January 2010 at 4:38 pm

    >Not being one for sewing, fresh bolts of fabric make me think of "The Sound of Music" and the scene when Frau Schmidt brings Maria the fabric to for her new dresses. But have you ever noticed (and I've seen the movie about 57,000 times since it became my favorite move when I was 6, so I notice these things) that the fabric doesn't match any of the dresses she wears in the movie? "How many dresses does a governess need," indeed? :-)


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