What is a Reepicheep?

Posted by & filed under fabric, Heaven is a Wonderful Place, My Faith, Oliver, Sewing.

This is the question I’ve been getting as I’ve tweeted about the assembly of Oliver’s Halloween costume this year. Fair question, I suppose. Even as he graced the streets of Franklin last night in his stellar little costume most of the comments he received were things like, “Oh, what a cute little mouse!” or “Is he Despereaux?”

So, we didn’t choose Bob the Builder. It would have been easier and more recognizable, but Oliver (and we!) love Reepicheep!
What is a Reepicheep? you may ask.
Reepicheep is actually a character in C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia. He appears in Prince Caspian,The Voyage of the Dawn Treader as well asThe Last Battle. He’s a large, talking mouse who carries a rapier and wears a red feather tucked in a gold cap. He’s all about defending honor and he lives his life in the service of Aslan.
Here’s a video clip from Disney’s version of Prince Caspian where Caspian meets Reepicheep for the first time:

One of our favorite bits about Reepicheep is found in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. He accompanies Caspian on his voyage in the hope of finding Aslan’s Country at the end of the world. At one point Reepicheep accidentally falls off the ship. Everyone’s panicked because someone’s fallen overboard and when they realize it was the mouse they are a little miffed to have to go back to save him.
They hear Reepicheep exclaim as he swims delightedly in the water, “It’s sweet! It’s sweet! The water is sweet!”. He then recalls to all his companions a dryad prophesy from when he was a baby:
Where sky and water meet,
Where the waves grow sweet,
Doubt not, Reepicheep,
To find all you seek,
There is the utter East.
I like to think of Reepicheep’s longing for Aslan’s country like our own longing for Heaven. Reepicheep lived his life in search of it – always longing, always seeking. Like Reepicheep, this Earth is not our home.
So, I hope this answers the question of, “What is a Reepicheep?” :)
Now, onto some photos of our own sweet guy in his Mama-made Reepicheep costume!
As we were showing him his newly-constructed costume and getting him dressed he excitedly informed me, “This is my best costume ever!”
He fell asleep in the car shortly before it was time to begin our evening.
He was so cuddly!

Would you make fun of me if I called him “Sleepicheep?” :)

Now we’re off!
(Seriously, check out that awesome tail – that thing had life!)

(I coached Oliver just a little to get as many “orange squares” as he could. I’m shameless!)
Beatrice and her Mama and Papa came along too. Can you guess who she was dressed as?


Oliver and his Papa had to take a time out when the going got a little too greedy. Sitting out a few houses got him back on track and he was a happy mouse once again!

Did y’all go Trick-or-Treating last night? How did you costume your children? Did you dress up as well? I would LOVE to hear!!!
Happy Reformation Day, friends!

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20 Responses

  1. Mel 1 November 2009 at 9:59 pm

    >Oh what an awesome costume and just the thought behind it thrills me! I have loved the Chronicles of Narnia since I was a little girl. I bought both of my boys the complete set when I was pregnant with each of them. Love it love it love it! Oliver looks wonderful and such a cute Reepicheep!


  2. Erin 1 November 2009 at 10:00 pm

    >What a great idea! I love original costumes but never can think of them! Love the Madeline outfit as well, super cute!

  3. Elizabeth.Brake 2 November 2009 at 12:33 am

    >How cute! This made me think of my own mom. She is not a fan of Halloween at all. I think it's not a religious objection, but rather not liking the trek from house to house in search of candy. But even so, she made a costume for me one year when I really wanted to trick-or-treat, and my parents didn't have the money for new costumes. She made a witch cape for me, and picked up a cheap pointed hat somewhere. I was happy as I could be, and she did something for me that she really didn't want to do. Aren't mom's great?

  4. Katy 2 November 2009 at 3:00 am

    >Oh he looks so cute!
    We love Reepicheep!
    Wilson was sad in the story when he lost his tail, but thought it was "very brave" of the other mice to say they would cut there's off too..
    So fun to dress them up!

  5. Christine 2 November 2009 at 3:13 am

    >You do know that "Reepicheep" was our family's code word, like in case a stranger came to pick us up and we needed to know that they were truly sent by our parents? We never had to use it, but we loved Reepicheep dearly, just the same. Still do. Well done on the costume. And give Rebecca my props, too, for a Madeline well done.

    (Just how did you do the tail? Lots of wire?)

  6. Raechel 2 November 2009 at 3:29 am

    >Christine: That's really funny about the safety word! Good choice!

    The tail: A little stuffing at the base and then one, long piece of boning sewn tightly in. It bounced and looks alive! I considered a bit of fishing wire but concluded that that would be way too much trouble and potential danger. The boning alone worked out beautifully! That's what I used for his feather too.

  7. Raechel 2 November 2009 at 3:29 am

    >Christine: That's really funny about the safety word! Good choice!

    The tail: A little stuffing at the base and then one, long piece of boning sewn tightly in. It bounced and looks alive! I considered a bit of fishing wire but concluded that that would be way too much trouble and potential danger. The boning alone worked out beautifully! That's what I used for his feather too.

  8. Kristen 2 November 2009 at 3:40 am

    >Oh & I hate to be nosy but I live in Franklin & those pictures look like my Franklin. So I am thinking you live in my Franklin! haha.

  9. vanettens 2 November 2009 at 12:15 pm

    >I knew I recognized that name but couldn't place it. And Voyage of the Dawn Treader is my favorite book in the series! Very cute idea!

  10. mthorth 2 November 2009 at 3:44 pm

    >Happy Reformation day to You too!!
    I was so glad when I read that on your blog. We had a wonderful Reformation service at our church yesterday. (also had a fun Trunk and Treat for the Kids on Saturday)
    Thanks for not leaving out the real meaning of October 31st.

  11. Liz 3 November 2009 at 12:34 am

    >May i ask what is a Reformation day? I am just curious as I grew up in a strict pentecostal household and we never acknowledged Halloween at all. However I dont live in the USA and Halloween is far less a 'big deal' here than it is there.
    Is a reformation a different type of celebration? Do you go trick or treating? As a non-christian i still enjoy your blog, you have great taste in design & clothes, keep it up! Liz

  12. Raechel 3 November 2009 at 12:47 am

    >Hey all,

    Ryan here. I'll let Raechel answer that last question specifically regarding Reformation Day, but I wanted to touch on Halloween and its Christian symbolism.

    All Hallow's Eve ('Hallowe'en') was marked on the Christian calendar to celebrate Christ's march to hell and his triumphant victory over death. Much of the symbolism, such as the dancing skeletons are actually have christian roots.

    I absolutely love the picture of Christ leading His troops down to hell to battle death and His great defeat. It is truly worth celebrating!

  13. Kaira 12 November 2009 at 4:42 am

    >Ryan, that's cool. I'll have to look for more info on that story to share it with my boys. The visual will really resonate with them.


  14. Laura Agaba 8 August 2017 at 9:09 am

    Do you have a tutorial on how you made this costume? We are having a Narnia themed literary party and i want to make my little girl into Reep.


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