
Posted by & filed under Garage Sales.

Okay, I spent a lot today. But, I’m happy and so is Ryan and that is key.

Let’s get right down to business:

$1.50 – 3 Candlesticks, a case of 4 taper candles, Fekkai anti-frizz cream, a new container of cocoa butter body cream and a “Festival of Lights” large jar Yankee Candle – joy! I can use all of these things! Not bad on the price, eh? They said make an offer so I went for it!

$8 – 3 pairs of pants and 4 shirts. Really cute stuff! The girl gave me a DEAL too, since most of them were marked at $2 or higher. It’s such a treat (and so rare) to find a garage sale that has your size and style.
$0.50 – Long sleeved H&M shirt for Ry. He’s happy. :)
$2.50 – 4 pillows of varying sizes – I have been looking for 2-15″ square pillows to use as pillow forms for the covers on our new guest bed. I’ve also been on the hunt for a down-filled 18″ square pillow for a cover we bought for our bonus room. (I just can’t bear to spend $10-$20 for pillow forms, when any old -well, not too old – garage sale pillow stuffed inside will do). Well, I found them! Yay!
My sister also spotted a down-filled lumbar pillow for which I can make a using some of the Anna Maria Horner fabric I purchased on Etsy this week, or just use the existing cover – it’s orange silk shantung and could be nice for fall.

$1.00 – Black picture frame with white mat (pictured above) – This, of course, will be used for a 12″x 12″ photo I had printed for our photo wall. Frame, mat and glass for $1 makes me very glad. (Side note: I have said before that I’d post photos of our photo wall and haven’t yet. Take heart – I’ve taken the shots, now I just need to post them. We’re close!)
$2.50 – a stack of fabric that will be quite useful – our Art of Homemaking class begins in a week. We’re starting off 1st semester learning to construct aprons (which will be promptly followed up with some education in the kitchen). It will be great to have this stuff around to supplement the fabric the girls bring.
$10 – side table – this just goes with our house. We try to buy furniture for our home that can interchange among rooms so that we can always pull things from one room to another to keep things feeling fresh. This table will begin it’s new life either in the living room as a side table or in our bedroom as a night stand.
$2.00 – a leather bag I already love so much it might need to be named – it’s even more beautiful in person. Seriously. So soft. You can imagine my joy.
$50 – an 8’x10′ cream flokati rug – we’ve had a 5×7 in the living room for a long time and always thought a larger rug would be better. They had it marked for $75, but I was happy to either pay $50 or not get it at all. They were thrilled to take $50 and I was thrilled to go at it with my Dyson when I got home! (so satisfying!) Anyhow, we like how it defines the space. Not sure if we’ll keep it in there for the rest of summer or not, but it will definitely have a home in the fall and winter!
And, finally, the winner of this week’s “Tuck-and-Run” award goes to:
for her purchase of a large Longaberger basket for only $2.00!! Check it out here!
Nice work, L.
And now it’s that time. Show me what you’ve got, friends!!

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13 Responses

  1. purejoy 15 August 2009 at 8:06 pm

    >are you kidding me?? what a find!! i cannot fathom yard saling here until it cools off just a bit. but i'm in awe and slightly jealous of your wickedly good finds!

  2. mel::: 16 August 2009 at 12:14 am

    >I've been inspired by your garage saling excitement and hit the sales at 9 this morning. I found a full set of golf clubs and a beautiful bag for $10–my husband and I are hoping to become "beginners." Cranium–nearly new–for $2. A beautiful punch bowl with ladel and 21 cups and hooks for $5. Then a Nike track jacket and a sweater for $1 each. :) I love knowing I'm not the only one out there that loves a great find and a frugal lifestyle. :D

  3. Chantelle 16 August 2009 at 3:34 am

    >wow. you are an amazing "garage saler". Your house looks beautiful, I am so very jealous :(

    My husband and I bought a house with my in-laws and we have the basement suite. No natural light and just… ugly, and messy since our WHOLE lives are in about 600 sq. feet. I pray that God has a perfect home for us in His plan. Your house is what I have pictured in my head… haha :)

  4. Bekah F. 16 August 2009 at 3:51 am

    >Love the rug! I have one that's very similar but it's 5×7. It was close to $300, so I'd say you definitely got a great deal. I've got to start hitting up garage sales! You always get some great stuff.

  5. the story of us 17 August 2009 at 2:44 am

    >o.k. so my tuck-and-run was at goodwill and not at a rummage, but a find anyway! a pair of button fly AMERICAN EAGLE jeans in perfect condition for .99 :)
    acutally . . . 5 tank tops, the JEANS, an off-brand underarmour shirt for my young runner, a pair of capris, 3 tops/sweaters and an american eagle sweatshirt all for $34.00 – i was pretty happy with my finds! :)

  6. gillian 17 August 2009 at 3:44 pm

    >incredible! i have never been yard selling before, but you sure inspire me to do so! how many do stops do you typically make?

  7. House of Collinsworth 17 August 2009 at 3:50 pm

    >I found your blog today through Angie Smith's blog. I started reading some of your story and then saw where you have one son on earth and 5 children in Heaven and the tears began to flow. I have wondered if there was anyone else out there who has suffered as much loss as we have. I too, have one 3-year old son named Ethan, and 5 other children in Heaven, including Noah David who we lost suddenly and unexpectedly at 31 weeks gestation just 6 weeks ago. I was so moved by the video of pictures of your sweet Evie Grace. Maybe somewhere in Heaven, her and Noah have met and are playing together on the streets of gold. I just read your post from April 3rd of this year. The post titled, "But, Where's the Birthday Girl". What raw honesty! I'm so thankful to have found so many women who truly understand what we are going through (although I wish NONE of us had to understand!!!). Thank you for your honesty on your blog. It helps me to feel normal. There's day of sadness and there are days of real anger. Days of panic where I feel like I have a missing child. I ache for Noah…I cannot comprehend that I am NOT PREGNANT ANYMORE. It's just unbelievable. One day he was here, kicking, hiccuping, and the next….gone. It's so hard to wrap my mind around it. I don't understand why God has allowed me to become pregnant so easily over the years, but then not carry my babies to term. Anyway, I've added you to my blog list and I look forward to getting to know you and your family better. My blog is http://houseofcollinsworth.blogspot.com/. Also, if you would like to see the memorial video for our sweet Noah, go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXTc2Gj0XJQ

  8. ndragoo 18 August 2009 at 2:10 pm

    >Love, love, love your leather bag. I thought of your yard sale embroidery hoops this week. A friend had made tabletop decorations/trivets by stuffing wine corks inside a hoop. Decorative and practical.


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