Taste and See that the Lord is Good!

Posted by & filed under Oliver, Recipes.

For your viewing pleasure, a few photos I snapped of my handsome little guy at church yesterday. Isn’t he something? (There’s no chance I’m a little biased, is there?)

And, for your tasting pleasure (or, simply for your viewing pleasure again if you aren’t interested in making this), one of the favorite recipes I inherited when I married Ryan.

His Mama (my mother-in-law) makes THE BEST salsa and this is her recipe. I chopped some up for Ry this afternoon. I swear it disappears faster than I can make it!

Bev’s Delicioso Salsa

12 Roma tomatoes
1/2 C fresh cilantro
1 onion
5 drops tobasco
1 T vinegar
juice of 1/2 lemon
grated lemon rind
1/2-1T garlic salt
1/2 jalapeno pepper
1/4 t cumin
Fine chop all ingredients and combine.

(I’ll confess that I used a Vidalia Chop Wizard – a gift from my MIL – and that
I am not THAT good at chopping!)

Happy Monday!!

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21 Responses

  1. Sandy Hop 22 June 2009 at 8:55 pm

    >THanks for your confession! I was wondering how you got them all so uniform!!! My salsa is a mess!

  2. Kameron 23 June 2009 at 12:07 am

    >I make pico de gallo all the time and I have never thought to add vinegar to it! I will have to try her recipe and see how it compares!

    Oliver is such a cutie!

  3. Mairead Allen 23 June 2009 at 12:18 am

    >He is too cute :-)

    Thank you for the salsa recipe!! I've been looking for a similar one for ages, except it had black beans and canned corn. Now if only I can find the cumin and cilantro in the spice cabinet :o)

  4. Christina 23 June 2009 at 12:45 am

    >Oliver is so cute and the salsa looks great!! You should consider joining me on my blog for Friday Foodie to share some of your favorite recipes!

  5. Lisa 23 June 2009 at 1:57 am

    >Salsa looks amazing! Ilove salsa and make it every other week in our home as a staple :) Not to mention how adorable is your little boy in those pics :)

  6. Christine 23 June 2009 at 2:03 am

    >I'm just glad that recipe didn't call for coriander seeds. Ahem.

    (I promise I am learning. I am growing cilantro out back, and I even know that it's the same thing as coriander!)

    Also, glad to see you achieved the blurry background. I may have to have you show me when we're in TN. Every instruction I've seen online (MckMama, Pioneer Woman, etc.) deals with Canons, and I have trouble locating the aperture and what not on the Fuji. I know our cameras are cousins, so perhaps you can help. Or maybe I can just sit around and let you take the pictures. Either is fine with me.

    Love him so much! His teefs look great!

  7. Kemp and Remis mommy 23 June 2009 at 2:27 am

    >Your son is so cute:) what a doll… and that salsa looks yummy, I make almost the same thing but mine has not as much stuff in it, but I will try it this way for sure:) thanks for sharing

  8. Erin 23 June 2009 at 2:32 am

    >his eyes are amazing! He is such a cutie thats for sure! The salsa looks and sounds amazing! Might have to try it!

  9. Seraphim 23 June 2009 at 4:44 am

    >They both look DELICIOUS!!!! I've nominated you for an Honest Scrap award as well. Cos you are just so lovely xxxxx

  10. happy mama 23 June 2009 at 6:53 pm

    >Excited to try the salsa ~ I just happen to have a bunch of roma tomatoes I need to use.

    And your son is adorable!


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