Way Back Whensday – Weddings!

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I finally got the new scanner figured out (mostly) and have a few pictures to post. I wish these were straight off the disc, because scanned images just don’t look as nice as the actual, digital images. I love these just the same and I’m glad to share them before the clock strikes midnight!
We got married in my Aunt and Uncle’s yard. This photo looks posed, but it really wasn’t. I was in the great room on the second floor, overlooking the gazebo and chairs as the guest started to arrive. I remember my heart skipping a beat when I caught a glimpse of Ryan out there. I couldn’t believe I was going to get to marry him!

Starting my (long) march down to the ceremony and down the aisle. My step-dad and Ryan’s cousin played “To God Be the Glory” on their trumpets as I walked (The version that goes “With his power he has raised me, with his blood He has saved me…”, not the other one).

The whole wedding party!
You can see Christine in there (third from the left) and Rebecca to the right of her.

One of my favorite photos from the day.
It’s right after the recessional and we are just beaming. We were so stoked to be married!

Another favorite from the day. This was a major zoom shot – we were standing on the third story balcony.

Okay, more kissing.
I love this guy! I would marry him a million more times!

**Original post follows:**
Good morning, friends!

You know that recurring dream you have for years after you graduate from college – the one where you get several weeks into the semester before you realize you’d signed up for another class and completely forgotten to attend (actually happened to me sophomore year!) or you manage to show up to class but without any knowledge that you have a big project due that day? I STILL have these dreams – had one this week in fact. I hate not being prepared!
Well, this morning is sort of like that. Here it is, “Way Back Whensday”, and I’m without my photos! How embarrassing! In my defense, we have a new scanner ordered and scheduled to arrive on our doorstep sometime late morning, so I WILL have photos, just not for several more hours.
This doesn’t mean that those of you who ARE prepared for “Way Back Wednesday” should wait, though. This week is all about our weddings! I’d LOVE to see pictures from your weddings! Do you have any on your computers, or will you have to scan as well?
This week, if you’d like to participate, please share photos of you with your beloved with us! And, tell us how long you’ve been married and one particularly fabulous memory about the day.
I will do my best to update with photos of my own later in the day. In the meantime, let’s see who of you has photos to share!

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10 Responses

  1. Christine 15 April 2009 at 6:07 pm

    >I was at your wedding! No, I was in your wedding! I know all about what it will look like! I remember how thin and boobalicious I looked!

    Actually, the prevailing memory I have of that day, besides “wonderful,” is “HOT.” Very hot. I’m just glad I wasn’t wearing the wool 3-piece suits.

  2. Tara 16 April 2009 at 2:30 am

    >Christine, I think I actually remember you in Rae’s wedding too. Did you walk with my brother, Lee? And Rae – I am excited to see pictures from your wedding! I remember that you were a beautiful bride and your ceremony was so wonderful. Can’t wait see your photos!

  3. Christine 16 April 2009 at 11:52 am

    >Tara, yes, I walked in with Lee. He had to keep me from tripping. I am notoriously bad at being escorted whilst wearing fancy shoes. (See: The time I tripped and Cedric Benson had to keep me from falling.)

  4. Susan 16 April 2009 at 2:29 pm

    >It’s so fun to see these pics! I think I’ll drag out the albumn and reminisce some more! Look at those Maguire boys!

  5. Roger 16 April 2009 at 5:57 pm

    >Wasn’t it a perfect day for an outdoor wedding? Just like I predicted…. :-)….and I share Christine’s prevailing memory!!!!!

  6. uberRyan 16 April 2009 at 6:41 pm

    >oh, brother… :-)

    You had us pegged for rain 12 months out!

    We did have rain the night before. Just enough to knock all the germination out of the air and off the top of the pond.

    So, you WERE right, but God one-upped you, I think.

  7. The Morrisons 17 April 2009 at 3:41 am

    >Raechel, these are great. One of these days I am going to get my act together and start doing these with you. It has been a week indeed with no Matt around (not to mention I can’t work a scanner by myself). I think the boys are feeling it too. They miss their daddy and they are sure letting me know about it! I will be out and about in Franklin tomorrow. No real plans just a return to make at the mall. I think the park is calling our name if you guys want to join. Call me, or I will call you to see if your up for it.

  8. roger 18 April 2009 at 12:57 am

    >And in retrospect the bit of thunder that was with that rain was probably God’s tease… He one-ups me a lot! It is pretty much a way of life now! :-)


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