2 Responses

  1. McCall 13 March 2009 at 7:50 pm

    >Today is the first day for me to read your blog. I found it thru MckMamma's blog, I think. I believe I might have a similar condition as you, as far as getting pregnant and staying pregnant. I have two boys, 5 & 3 and wanted another baby. Conceived super fast and found out at 6 wks, there was no heartbeat and miscarried. Completely surprised and devastated. Got pregnant again 9 mos later and started miscarring the day I found I was pregnant. So the Dr ran some tests and said that he thinks my blood clots going to the placenta. He put me on baby asprin and said when I got pregnant again I would have to start taking Heparin(blood thinner) shots twice a day and progesterone. After being on Femara(ovulation medicine) for three months and asprin, I am now 10 weeks pregnant. Had two ultrasounds so far & heartbeat great and measurements great. I want to get really excited but still a little nervous. I just wanted to share that the baby aspirin worked for me and that hope is never lost when you hope in the Lord. Praying for you.

  2. nancyguthrie 19 March 2009 at 2:48 am

    >Definately new best friends. And like I said when the picture was taken, should have sucked it in.


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