A “Newsy” Post

Posted by & filed under Being a Doula, Caleb, Christine, My Mom, Oliver, Parish, Rebecca.

I haven’t posted in a little while because I didn’t have any one thing to post about. Now, suddenly, I have lots of things to tell about and I’m not sure where to begin. Can I just do a numbered list?

  1. First, congratulations to my sweet college roommate, Chrsitine and her husband Steve (and their twin boys Jack and Baylor) on the birth of Charlotte Anne on Saturday, August 30. We’ve been anticipating Charlotte’s arrival with a lot of excitement and we’re so grateful to God that she’s here safe and sound.
  2. While we’re on the topic of expanding families, The Faires family (my sister & brother-in-law) will not be adopting twins from Africa after all as they recently found out that they are pregnant! I had the privilege of attending an early ultrasound a few weeks ago and, believe it or not, there were two [identical!!!] babies in there!! Twins!! Isn’t God good and amazing to put twins on their hearts and in Rebecca’s womb?!
  3. I have recently taken on two new roles. As of last week, I was hired by Parish Pres to be the new Nursery Coordinator. It will be a fun project/ministry/vision for me and so far I’m liking it quite a lot.
  4. My other new role is actually that of a birth doula. Near the end of July I decided to pursue becoming a birth assistant and have since been working hard to fulfill the requirements to become certified (hoping to be by the end of the year??) Since before Oliver was born I have loved childbirth and have developed a distinct passion for helping women do what their bodies were made to do. Once I’m certified (and even before, really), I will begin to meet with clients and help them with their birth plans. Once labor begins, it is my job to be with them around the clock – encouraging them to use relaxation and breathing techniques to cope and labor well. I’m really excited about this new venture and know that, because I am so passionate about it, I will be doing this for a long time.
  5. Another medium-sized piece of news is that Oliver has been out of town. This weekend was my Grandpa Tilmant’s 80th birthday and a lot of our family convened on The Family Farm in Ohio to celebrate. Ryan and I didn’t go, but my Mom asked if she could take Oliver. With much hesitation (he’s our little treasure, after all!) we agreed to send him. It sounds like he has had a lot of fun and has done really well. He should be back home in the next hour or two!! (Oh, and Ryan and I had a lovely time being “kid-less” for the weekend: riding our bikes downtown for ice cream at 10pm, staying up late, sleeping in, and even going to target without getting a cart for Oliver to ride in!!!!)
I think that’s all. Here are a few pictures Aunt Annette took of the happy fella.
And, I just go the phone call that they’re almost here – time to get in the car to go get him from Granmdas! EEEEE!!!

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