
Posted by & filed under #SheReadsTruth, Hazel, Love.


Sitting in bed next to my favorite girl.

Letting her take her time waking up.


Giving her extra snuggles as she battles a mild double ear infection.

Praying and preparing to teach a class on “Loving Well and Being Loved through Loss” next Tuesday night. I’d love to have you.

Catching up on reading my favorite bloggy reads.


Planning a sweet and simple 3rd birthday party for our girl next weekend.

Wondering how it’s already been a year since she turned two.

Wishing I could do everything, and say yes to every amazing opportunity.

Realizing I cannot.

Drinking in coffee and grace by the cupfuls.


Looking so forward to joining the SheReadsTruth community in a new Easter-preparation plan that begins today.

Knowing I’ll need grace even in that.


Thanking the Lord for currently.

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4 Responses

  1. Shannon 6 March 2013 at 4:34 pm

    being content, living in the present, being aware of “currently” can be so challenging some times. thanks for the encouragement to continue to strive towards embracing each new day as they come.

  2. Beth Herring 6 March 2013 at 4:44 pm

    There is nothing quite as sweet as those cuddles with your little ones when they need an extra hug or two when they feel bad. I miss those days with my girls and am so thankful for those days with my grandbabies now. You are blessed sweet girl and I pray God’s richest blessings continue on you and your family!

  3. nic 7 March 2013 at 8:49 am

    beautiful, all these daily treasures, and that your heart can so easily find joy in the currently. you’re a blessing. (and almost three? how is that even possible??)


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