The Saddeth Sabbath

Posted by & filed under Oliver.

Oliver and Ryan had a conversation this afternoon on the way home from church. To absolutely no one’s surprise, it was about construction.

Oliver (to Ryan, in his biggest, funniest, construction voice): “And, the dump truck said, “Obber, come here! What are you doing?'”

Ryan: “So what did you say to the dump truck?”

Oliver: “No, dump truck! It’s not a dumping day! It’s the Saddeth.”

Repeat conversation 4-5 times, each time inserting a different piece of heavy machinery.

(For example: “The roller said…” and then, “…it’s not a rolling day! It’s the Saddeth.”)

We take the Sabbath very seriously around here, folks!


Also on the topic of Oliver and construction: this morning he was singing in the shower to the tune of “Tradition” from Fiddler on the Roof, “Constructiiiioooon, CONSTRUCTION!”


And one more Oliver story, just because I’m the Mama and I love to talk about him. :)

A few days ago I took Oliver to a free kids summer movie at a local church and needed to stop and get some cash somewhere on the way so I could get us a few snacks (they sell $2 Chick-fil-a kids meals with a coupon inside for a free kids meal! Woot!).

I mentioned to Oliver in passing that we had to make a stop before the movie. Five minutes later we pulled into Target make it happen. As I circled for a parking space he offered an enthusiastic suggestion from the backseat, “Mommy, how about you go into Target to get some cash, and I stay in the van? That’s a good idea! Right?”

Um, wrong, but nice try.

By the way, who are you and what did you do with my little boy who didn’t string together 22-word-long thoughts or whole imaginary conversations with heavy machinery, complete with different voices for different characters?
