Leap Frog Learning Table

Posted October 5th, 2012 by .

Thank you to LeapFrog for sponsoring this review. For more information about the LeapFrog Animal Adventure Learning Table, please visit their website. #LFAnimalAdv #spon This

Oliver’s 1st Soccer Game

Posted September 12th, 2012 by .

Oliver had his very first soccer game on Monday! Had I mentioned that we signed him up for soccer this year? Soccer can start pretty

Team Myers at the fair

Posted August 12th, 2012 by .

This weekend we went to the fair. Oliver looked a lot older than five as he ordered a snow cone to share with his sister.

girl can get down!

Posted August 8th, 2012 by .

And what better way to get down than listening to “Hey, Soul Sister” (which my kids are pretty sure is actually called “Hazel Sister”) and