Duck, duck… Gus!

Posted by & filed under Bea, Rebecca, The Faires Family.


Yes! Ducklings! Six little lady ducklings have been added to my sister’s family:
Blue Sweetie
and two others who remain nameless.

They’ll be raised in their new home and fenced area in the Faires backyard and they’ll make eggs and quack and keep the children on their toes!


The ducklings arrived by post yesterday, just two days old in a cute little ‘Live Animals’ box. They have a warm box inside with a warm light and all the things that duckies need, and outside they have a brood of eager and interested children (plus one great moderately good dane who is more jibbled than appetized).


Lots of springtime fun going on here. Lots of learning about ducks and how they grow and hatch and live. Lots of “Mama, can I hold a duck?” and “please watch your step!” and “does this little one have a name yet?” going on, too.


Oh, and a little girl with a new pet duck (hers is named Daisy) isn’t complete without a charming insta-smile and head tilt. Butofcourse.


The ducks are darling. But that Beatrice. She’s a beauty.

Happy Weekend Friends!!!
Duckie name suggestions welcome!

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10 Responses

  1. mandie 24 May 2013 at 10:55 am

    Fun!! My sister used to have ducks. They’re the goofiest. Well, now that we have hens, I guess I can say that birds in general are the goofiest. :)

  2. Amanda Watkins 24 May 2013 at 11:29 am

    Our Lilly wanted nothing but Five Duckling for her 5th birthday, wrapped in purple wrapping paper. She turns nine years on Wednesday, these photos bring back precious memories of that purple papered box, fuzzy ducklings, and joyous, loving expressions.

    Our most favorite duck was named Craig the Duck. I think Clark is a swell duck name, too. :)

  3. Lisa N 24 May 2013 at 10:12 pm

    So cute! I love the books, “Make Way for Ducklings” and “The story about Ping” so I’d have to go with Ping or Jack, Kack, Lack, Mack, Nack, Ouack, Pack, or Quack. :) even if those aren’t the names for one of these cuties, the kids would probably get a kick out of the books, if they don’t already have them.

  4. Wendy 30 May 2013 at 12:06 pm

    I like the duckling that was Wilbur’s best friend in “Charlotte’s Web”. I can hear his cute little voice in my head but his name just won’t come to me. I even did searches on the internet and still nothing. One site said his name was Gussy but I think that was the name of the goose, not the duckling.


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