
Posted by & filed under #SheReadsTruth, My Faith.

She is a child of God.

She is loved fiercely by Him.

He desperately longs for her to seek after Him…

…His truth.

…His character.

…His love.

She is created.

She is broken,

yet She is beautiful: a masterpiece and something He is proud of.  Oh, so very proud of.

She is longing for His joy.  She is longing for His presence in her life, daily.

But that’s the thing: He’s there.  He’s patiently waiting.

For her to put down the distraction.  For her to focus on Him.

…Make Him a priority.

She is a friend.

She longs for community.

A community that encourages, uplifts, and speaks truth into each other’s lives.

This story is your story.  It is our story.  It is the story of #SheReadsTruth

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In short – #SheReadsTruth is an invitation to come spend time with your Father and share the insights with women online. Or just come and be encouraged and spurred on by other women seeking Him.

It might seem easy to look at this new #SheReadsTruth community and say “coincidence” or “happy accident,” but we know those words don’t exist in our Father’s vocabulary.  Well, they do, but you get the idea.

We’ve created this website because of the outpouring of women saying

“Yes! I want to be a part of this community! I want His truth to be a priority!”

We want to help facilitate that somehow.

We don’t want to draw attention to ourselves, because we are not #SheReadsTruth.

You are.

Yes, you.  and we are so honored to be reading His truth with you daily.

Connect.  Be challenged. Inspire.

this time?  We’re doing it together.


#SheReadsTruth has been in existence for less than two weeks. It started with Maggie and Kacia tweeting back and forth about wanting to be in the Word, but not knowing where to begin or how to build that habit. They decided on a plan and I asked to join in. The next day, so did Jessi. We read together and shared how God was speaking to us. We held each other accountable. And it caught on and now hundreds and hundreds of women have joined us in reading His truth.

This is not a bandwagon – it’s a community! And I’m not too proud to say that I need it – that it’s the first thing that has held me accountable to seeking His face daily in a LONG time. And fifteen days in, I am looking forward to and longing for my quiet time with God and His Word. He is using this community to shape me!

Do you want to be in the word? Are you longing for a where and how like Maggie and Kacia were – like we all were? Please join us and so many others in reading and praying God’s Word together!

Happy Friday, friends! HE is moving!

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3 Responses

  1. Beth Herring 2 June 2012 at 9:18 pm

    Raechel – i left a comment over at shereadstruth, but wanted to personally thank you for being a catalyst for so many young women to seek after God harder! He is so worthy and my desire through my blog is to make others hungry for Him like I am. But my little blog doesn’t reach near the number of people you do, so I am so blessed by your efforts to do this! God will pour out on you 4 young women and I am excited to see what He is going to do in your lives!


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