A Snow Day!

Posted by & filed under Christmas/Advent, Oliver.

Yes, indeed, we have a blanket of white on the ground! Not sure if it will last through the afternoon, but what a delight it was last night to see it come down, to have the snow make night so bright it was hard to sleep, and to wake up to the sounds and sights of my two favorite men in the backyard making snowballs (while I watched from my warm bed)!

Last night Oliver added two new words to his vocabulary: snow and snowball.
He also added the phrase: “Scout – potty – snow!”
Later this morning I was busy picking up Oliver’s room when I heard from downstairs the sound of paper ripping and my firstborn exclaiming “Happy Christmas!” Maybe he felt like the snow on the ground was his go-ahead for diving in. What followed, of course, was a short tutorial on Christmas traditions and etiquette, and them a “Sam, sam” (yes, Ma’am) from said firstborn.
Thanks for visiting, snow. Stay as long as you like – well, maybe just through the Christmas. :)
And now, sometime for Beatrice to enjoy on her snow day:

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2 Responses

  1. Susan 13 December 2008 at 10:49 am

    >We love watching your videos and are sure Oliver’s grandparents love them too!

    We are glad you got some snow at your house. We did not get any at our house in the country. Maybe next time?

    Advent blessings from River Road!


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